Example sentences of "[adj -er] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 's still young , could go into club management after a spell with England , and I bet he 's probably the *peoples choice * which would make his job easier as the press would think twice before having a go at him .
2 Entering text could n't be much easier as the program uses common word processing commands .
3 Our voices grow fainter as the mist tucks itself in above us .
4 In the back of his mind he knew the air in the Base was getting staler as the crisis progressed , but he could n't afford to worry about that now .
5 It whined deep in its throat , as though in pain , and he saw the body grow paler as the fur sloughed away into nothing .
6 Beyond the breakwater the waves were getting bigger as the Pirate effed and cee-ed , bent over the uncovered inboard engine .
7 The potential computing power gets ever bigger as the universe rushes towards the omega point .
8 But this sort of arrangement too became rarer as the century went on .
9 People in the contracting phase would live their lives backward : they would die before they were born and get younger as the universe contracted .
10 The visible ones grow larger as the fog reflects up at them ; their voices become bullhorns .
11 Under certain conditons this approximation gets better as the sample size gets larger .
12 Oxford got better as the game went on .
13 On the contrary ; he seemed to get better as the game progressed , winning tackles as if to order , losing little in the air .
14 She spoke charitably of what happened so long ago but her attitude was to grow colder as the evening wore on .
15 However , the region over which this Minkowski frame matches actual space time would be small because of the intense curvature and would become smaller as the centre of the black hole is approached .
16 Bourani seemed greenly remote from all that ; so far , and yet so near ; its small mysteries , which grew smaller as the week passed , no more than an added tang , or hazard , in its other promise of civilized pleasure .
17 The commonest stress symptom of all is probably tiredness , which ( in contrast to physical fatigue ) is usually present on waking and does not get worse as the day goes on .
18 And it got worse as the day wore on , especially since it began to rain .
19 The walk-in had got steadily worse as the altitude began to tell , but all that now lay behind us .
20 But things grew a great deal worse as the century wore on .
21 The problem becomes worse as the dictionary gets larger .
22 And worse and worse as the morning wore on .
23 Her heels felt sore , and because there was so much walking , they seemed to be getting worse as the morning went on .
24 Susan protested that it was all right ; but it was very painful , and grew worse as the evening wore on .
25 It was still dark and the weather was wet and foggy , but the blue fog inside the car was worse as the Substitute lit his third pungent little Tuscan cigar .
26 Discounts , buy-backs , chainbreaking , free carpets , mortgage subsidies — the list gets longer as the stock of unsold new homes rises .
27 The NZRFU should accept the fact that such expeditions should be one-test tours , with the three previous Saturday matches against opposition which should become stronger as the test approaches .
28 Farwaggi , his Arab provenance showing in the bluish ( Camus-esque , thinks Letterman ) stubble which grows stronger as the day progresses , a gentle mycological stain spreading on his eager , almost good-looking face , spends all day on the phone either ordering variations on the club 's menus or rushing to and from the fax office .
29 Partisan influences were strong and became stronger as the election approached .
30 The bond between the mother country and her former colonies grew stronger as the century wore to its close .
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