Example sentences of "[Wh pn] be take the " in BNC.

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1 Meet the new breed of enchantress , the spell-binding women who are taking the male bastille and giving it some earthily female perspective .
2 who are taking the lead in setting up the new Divisions — are now starting discussions , where necessary backed by targeted groups to take our thinking forward .
3 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the best and most subtle way to prevent such attacks is to ensure that the British people know that they have a Government who are taking the steps necessary to keep firm control of immigration and particularly to prevent people from abusing our immigration rules by entering this country under the bogus concept of being political refugees ?
4 In fact holidays was the the theme taking by the elders who were taking the family service at ten o'clock this morning .
5 That i it would be the people who stood up first and accused the landlords and took the lead in the settling accounts procedure , they were more likely to be able to , to get more in the way of than anybody else , that they would get more land , more erm better quality land the animals , implements etcetera and those sort of , th those peasants who were taking the lead were actually members of the Party were they ?
6 I i it 's saying something about the motivation of the people who who are doing this , those peasants who were taking the lead and becoming members of the Party .
7 After last week 's boat debacle , the tale takes a stranger twist with a mysterious telephone advert placed in last week 's NME asking ‘ Who 's Taking The Pistols ? ’
8 An award to a man who 's taken the future of the world into his own hands .
9 Firstly they need to decide what the video is to be about , who is to take the roles of sound recordist , camera , interviewee , etc. , and how they are going to tackle their project .
10 She rates Simon Estes , the great Wagnerian baritone who is to take the title-role in King , on the same level .
11 The camps are historic , as much a part of history as Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili who was to take the name of Stalin .
12 as to who was to take the most credit .
13 Flaherty asked who was to take the sketches to the Fire Court and the Gnomes at once looked alarmed , because had n't they already travelled all the way from Gallan and it a terrible long journey , never mind getting lost twice , as well as the Robemaker 's Workshops and the Cruachan Cavern being on the route .
14 The thin , capable woman who was taking the riding-class looked at him in amazement as he leaned panting on the gate to the ring , the dog whining beside him .
15 It came on 14 July , a day on which the French Ambassador had asked for an audience with King William , who was taking the waters at the spa town of Ems , and had been twice refused , courteously but firmly .
16 And being the one who was taking the raw material and bashing it into the records I had to pick a time to leave where it was n't going to be a huge blow to everybody else .
17 The Minister of State , Brynmor John , who was taking the Bill through the Committee on behalf of the Home Secretary , unexpectedly accepted the amendment to the surprise of his officials .
18 Michelle , who was taking the drug Epilim , said at her home in Whyteleaf , Surrey : ‘ None of them told me about the risk of having a handicapped baby .
19 Mr Hodgson explained that in buying up so many small firms , who really could no longer make ends meet , he , Howard Hodgson , could do better and cheaper funerals and that no one need worry about the cost any way , because if the deceased or whoever was taking the responsibility of next-of-kin possessed less than £300 , the DHSS would pay for the whole thing .
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