Example sentences of "[vb -s] more [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 First , the institution needs more floor space and begins to build in the grounds .
2 Melanie needs more press information .
3 On the one hand claiming Darlington is in such a bad state it needs more Government help , on the other claiming the town is a thriving local centre .
4 This is a highly intuitive environment which cuts down on training needs , but it is not to everyone 's taste , and it needs more development work behind the scenes if we have to write bespoke software .
5 Space shuttle experiment from Nottingham needs more research funding
6 British aerospace industry wants more government support
7 It 's wider , has more leg room and reclines further than ever before .
8 It has more staying power than a quick outburst of rage .
9 it is not proud that she has more Bible knowledge than he does .
10 Today 's microcomputer , at a cost of perhaps $300 , has more computing capacity than the first large electronic computer , ENIAC [ Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer ] .
11 In its report , Conting the Cost of Childcare , the Pre-School Playgroups Association says more government money is needed , but many get little or nothing
12 SCIENCE FICTION breeds more science fiction and success breeds sequels : these two have been a long time coming Forty years since the first Foundation tale , 14 since 001 : A Space Odyssey — can Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke repeat their successes ?
13 Resolving such issues requires more sequence information on hosts and bacterial symbionts .
14 Due to the nature of the coat , the Wire-haired Dachshund requires more coat care than the other two varieties , and should be fully stripped-out twice a year .
15 The UK produces more sulphur dioxide , the main cause of acid rain , than any other EC member , but is only now beginning to install pollution-control devices to power stations .
16 Other measures would involve more combined heat and power ( CHP ) stations , which , instead of discharging into the atmosphere the 60–70 per cent of the primary energy input which ends up as waste heat , would use it to provide hot water and heating in homes and commercial and industrial buildings ; and , of course , a switch from coal — which produces more carbon dioxide per ton than any other fuel — to nuclear , gas , oil and ‘ renewables ’ such as windfalls and tidal barrages .
17 US consumption of electricity is expected to grow by 46 per cent , and coal , which produces more carbon dioxide than either oil or gas , is expected to continue as the staple fuel for generations .
18 MYSTERY surrounds more race hate mail sent to several households in Darlington .
19 Keep the rig as upright as possible An upright rig presents more sail area to the wind and keeps the driving force pointing in the right direction — horizontally forwards .
20 The new set-up gives more surface area , says Mr Tomlinson , and should last much longer .
21 Draining peatbogs to plant trees releases more carbon dioxide than can ever be taken up and stored by the planted trees , according to a report by Friends of the Earth .
22 These are the new risers from Cellblock — they spread out making a wider area against the deck , which means more shock absorption and also reduces pressure on the deck making it less likely to snap your plank near the trucks .
23 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
24 Economic development means more purchasing power in the hands of individuals and that means rapid growth for cosmetics , toiletries , pharmaceutical products — all the markets we supply .
25 Then follows more hearsay evidence , and the trail peters out on a question mark .
26 Once the user becomes more technology literate , the next phase ( exploitation of IT ) occurs .
27 None the less , each Polaris boat carries more fire power than was used by both sides in the 1939-45 war .
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