Example sentences of "[vb -s] her [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This tears her and causes her a sharp pang of pain , making her cry out .
2 steals her a black lace bra that does n't fit ,
3 Panama shoots her a quizzical glance , moves round to a position directly behind Archie 's plunging rear and , saying , ‘ You can do it like this an ’ all , dear , ’ delivers her chunky brogue with astonishing force into Archie 's tight scrotum .
4 The barman hands her a second drink , a Tennents .
5 Riva returns , and hands her a steaming mug .
6 But the information she actually obtains from observing the price of her good tells her the total effect of these two influences and not their individual effects .
7 Alec Stewart 's charge has a stiffer task here , but is getting 6lbs from the favourite which gives her a sporting chance of stopping Daru 's unbeaten run of four victories .
8 MARY BAILEY gets many queries about albino Oscars , which gives her a perfect opportunity to talk about the other colour mutations that can occur — and why such fish rarely survive in the wild …
9 A light interior in combination with pastel colours gives her a warm , mediterranean atmosphere .
10 He gives her a warm smile .
11 Wanting to keep her for himself , and not wishing to give away her identity to his colleagues , he gives her a male name : ‘ Bob ’ — to the delight of the audience , who then laugh each time he uses the name .
12 Her Grenadan boyfriend , the baby 's father , lives there too , and gives her a substantial amount of his wages from his clerical job .
13 Elizabeth works two days a week in a friend 's boutique which she enjoys , as it gives her a little pin money and some independent social contact .
14 So it gives her a little bit of leeway .
15 Rose 's great-grandmother Doris is splendidly realised and Elizabeth Bradley gives her a heartening warmth and solidity .
16 Vic gives her a rude , exasperated shove .
17 Is there something about woman 's experience as a biological and social being that gives her a common identity and differentiates her forever from the male ?
18 Her big beaky nose gives her a masculine look .
19 Making up her mind is the first stage as this gives her a clear aim and plan .
20 Hannah clearly possesses a unique quality which gives her a remarkable perspective of the very fabric of Baldersdale .
21 And that if she must choose between love and work , she should never hesitate : it is work , a woman 's own creative work , that gives her the only real satisfaction and makes her life worth living .
22 Because his refusal to be sincere about his feelings toward her leads her further away from her own values , she begins to resent the way in which he constantly gives her the linguistic slip : ‘ Concepts which still meant much to her , by which she had once lived , were swerved aside with a smart epigram , a pun , a quotation , a dirty story ’ ( 170 ) .
23 It gives her an extra edge to things , you see … in bed with the working classes … all those rough , calloused hands and dropped aitches , do n't y ’ know ? ’
24 This profound sense of destiny which has influenced her life gives her an intuitive awareness that she has been singled out for a special role .
25 She gives her an energetic push , backwards , into the sitting-room .
26 Lear is evidently pleased with what Goneril has said , since he awards her a rich part of England , and moves on to the second movement , where again two daughters speak .
27 Her determination to succeed and getting what she wants out of her career and life makes her a laudable influence .
28 Health experts would undoubtedly argue that Sara 's blasé attitude makes her a prime target for infection .
29 Nevertheless , Japan 's position as the pre-eminent capitalist nation of Asia still makes her a focal point not only for Asian/Western contacts , but also for the clash of differing , and sometimes irreconcilable , cultural traditions .
30 Hurston 's blend of scepticism , humour and common sense makes her a reliable and radical commentator .
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