Example sentences of "[vb -s] to have have a " in BNC.

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1 Behind the desk , the receptionist appears to have had a late night .
2 It is often necessary to drive with close attention to the car in front , especially if the driver appears to have had a little too much wine or is having a highly excited conversation with his fellow passengers and waving his arms about .
3 If the source of ivory was elephant ( MacGregor 1985 ) , Indian or African , a larger number might be expected in Kent which appears to have had a dominance over many of the goods imported from the Continent and Mediterranean .
4 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional success all the more thrilling .
5 There are exceptions to this I would suggest that very high turn outs in the er local election , local elections in Harlow almost certainly because there was a lot of interest in it press interest because of the great battle in Old Harlow and that appears to have had a spin off effect on turn out in the other wards as well .
6 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional successes all the more thrilling .
7 Early in his career Thornton appears to have had a clear idea of the disposition of his circuit .
8 Over 100 burials have been recorded here ; one appears to have had a stone coffin , while other graves were lined with stones .
9 Equally importantly , those which were remembered appear to have been unusual in more than the fact that they were busier than other situations , risk appears to have had a quite separate effect .
10 Though we can not imagine that Innocent wrote all these , he appears to have had a close relationship with his chancery .
11 Experience of the complexities of government in a society such as that of the new Soviet Union appears to have had a dramatic effect on his earlier Utopian vision of the conduct of governmental affairs ( Medvedev 1981 , p. 39 ) .
12 He appears to have had a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle similar to E , but the later part of his work is filled with romance , and might seem to belong to what has been called the twelfth-century fictionalising history best exemplified by Geoffrey of Monmouth 's Historia Britonum .
13 The Bishop seems to have had a wide discretion , which was not always well exercised .
14 The death seems to have had a distressing effect on Christabel , who returned eventually to her family , living with her sister Sophie for the rest of her quiet and uneventful life .
15 John also described an incident when he was about ten or eleven which seems to have had a traumatic effect on him , the horror of which , bottled up for many years , can be felt in ballets which he made long afterwards .
16 As for the East , it is a curiosity that Egypt , from which almost all of the rest of the evidence emanates , seems to have had a preference for using a joint clause of damnatio and fideicommissum .
17 He seems to have had a good acquaintance with the theory and practice of shoeing , though we can not admit his claim to originality .
18 San Gimignano is slightly apart from the other cities of Tuscany in that it seems to have had a relatively small element of hereditary feudal warriors among its citizens or in its contado .
19 Like Alciston and most other Sussex parishes it seems to have had a fairly prosperous time until the mid-fourteenth century ; the early over-large tax demands of the Norman overlords had been replaced by a much more balanced local appreciation of the revenue possibilities .
20 Robert seems to have had a special affection for the Orynthia ; whereas many mariners came and went as the whim took them , he stuck to his old ship .
21 Every European country seems to have had a student of the Ceauşescu legend .
22 Although there are some irregularities , Smart seems to have had a fixed task allocated for each day and to have kept to it .
23 He continued to hope that he and the king could work together and , strangely enough , he seems to have had a great deal of personal sympathy with the king .
24 AD 10 at this particular place ; it seems to have had a brief existence ; it may have been a Political embarrassment to Cunobelinus at some stage in his early career , or the traders may have just moved elsewhere .
25 This also applies to the Cheesewring Quarry , which seems to have had a higher than normal accident rate in the past few years .
26 There 's one teacher , he seems to have had a personal interest in each one of us for five years .
27 Moses seems to have had a fascination for Freud .
28 I 've , certainly had no a , excuse me , no adverse comments back in terms the vision screening etcetera , itself as er , people have sort of responded to it seems to have had a so something which will be quite good sort of go going along in the right spirit .
29 If he seems to have had a foot in the door for an awfully long time then that is probably because he made his debut as an 18–year-old during the Dermot Reeve era .
30 They were intended for recreation rather than instruction and supplied by A. Gardner , a bookseller in Paisley , who seems to have had a free hand in their selection , Coats dictating the general policy .
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