Example sentences of "[vb -s] into a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From a hot-head who has done time for killing a man , he develops into a union organiser who discovers the eloquence his new role demands .
2 The molluscan egg develops into a larva , a minuscule animated globule striped with a band of cilia , which is swept far and wide by ocean currents before , after several weeks , it changes its shape , grows a shell and settles down .
3 An unfertilized egg develops into a male .
4 A further increase in the parameter c gives a change in the shape of the attractor , which develops into a Rossler funnel as it expands with increasing c .
5 Growth proceeds from a small crystal nucleus which develops into a fibril .
6 The game then develops into a relay race , with the members of each team having to head the balloon to a marker at one end and then back so that the next person can take over .
7 The effect of introducing just this one gene is to switch off some genes and to set in train a sequence of gene activation so that the cell develops into a muscle cell with all the appropriate proteins — master gene is an appropriate description .
8 If an egg is fertilized by a male , it always develops into a female .
9 They may be historical , comparative or descriptive : Comparative This traces the movement by which the most primitive form of the language group develops into a number of different languages .
10 She plays the elderly Dame Lettie Colston , a committee lady and general busybody who starts what develops into a witchhunt when she finds herself the telephone caller 's first target .
11 She matures into a woman who can not be judged by ordinary rules because she does n't play by them .
12 Amstrad 's ad for a double-headed cassette player also heads into a court-action , as the BPI anti- home-taping folk nearly have a heart-attack .
13 What sort of woman , I asked myself , drops into a jeweller 's for a brooch costing thousands of francs , between buying a gigot and a gâteau St Honoré ?
14 The debate over recreation and access in the countryside therefore easily fragments into a plethora of parochial disputes , with constantly shifting allegiances and alliances , and one which oscillates between each of these three alternative solutions .
15 ‘ That someone from Royston ambushed Irvine and murdered him , ’ I replied coolly , ignoring the rage which changed Catesby 's open-faced , ploughboy looks into a mask of fury .
16 Their walk is accompanied by the strident tones of jazz-style music which dissolves into a calypso as Peter enters the section of the school in which he teaches , leaving Kathie to walk on to her class .
17 But this tone soon dissolves into a miasma of melancholy .
18 ( i ) In Section 1.5 we proved that each non-zero non-unit element of Z factorises into a product of irreducibles in an essentially unique way .
19 Before the house it widens into a mere where hundreds of Canada geese gather .
20 THE STAGE is a backyard bounded by a palisade of rusty corrugated iron ; two ladders lead up to a balcony , a tap drips into a can .
21 A journey in a camper shades into a lift with a driver who turns out to be a narcotics agent ; the former episode is then repeated , with sado-masochistic variations , until that too shades into a bus journey .
22 The time to do experiments is also cut ; the computer compresses into a matter of minutes reaction times that could take hours in animals .
23 For Peter this prejudice erupts into a situation of conflict .
24 ‘ We talked in the living-room which merges into a conservatory choked with potted plants like a burgeoning rain forest .
25 Sadly , negative memories are often strongest and the recollection of adequate but unexceptional four and five-star hotels merges into a chintz and marble blur .
26 It is evident from the Northwestern Utilities case that once the defendant proves the act of a stranger , the point is reached when a claim based on the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher merges into a claim in negligence , so that if there is no fault the plaintiff will not succeed .
27 A man climbs into a machine and takes to the air and crosses the English Channel .
28 Dressed for the city , he kisses the Yorkies on the head and climbs into a jeep with heavy tread tyres .
29 His change of bank with the same g sends his nose up and he climbs into a barrel roll .
30 An easy cart track heads north and in five minutes arrives at Dry Laithe Cave , commonly known as Calf Holes , where a stream coming down on the right disappears in a rash of rocks and passes into a cave under the track .
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