Example sentences of "[vb -s] an [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 I believe ACET has an important part to play in this process . ’
2 The maintenance of a firm currency has an important part in the battle against inflation , but if pursued uniquely by means of offering foreign holders of sterling an ever-increasing interest rate premium , the result will be severe damage to the British economy and the Tories ' chances of re-election .
3 As mentioned in Chapter 1 , education has an important part to play in development , in both its contribution to structural change and to changing values .
4 It still has an important part to play but as a secondary negotiator possibly as an underwriter to any arrangement Israel may reach with the Palestinians .
5 An African Curriculum Organisation was set up in 1976 and has already proved that it has an important part to play in this process .
6 Throughout my many years in the travel industry , I have always believed tourism has an important part to play in the spreading of understanding between countries , as well as being a catalyst for economic development .
7 Although the visuals are the most important part of film-making , sound also has an important part to play , and music can be used as a powerful creator of mood and atmosphere .
8 New evidence suggests , however , that it has an important part to play in the lowering of harmful cholesterol .
9 Although school has an important part to play in a young child 's total development , the tensions of life beyond the classroom are likely to be the ones which determine educational failure or educational success .
10 It recognises that the Church 's media centre has an important part to play in training and encouraging women who work in the media , and it is considering inviting women to take part in its forthcoming Media Commission meetings .
11 From the cleaners to the executive she sees that everyone has an important part to play , no one is more committed than she is both to the University and her pharmacological research .
12 There is a gap between development capital , which has an important part to play , and a full flotation .
13 I believe that that standard has an important part to play in enhancing employer recognition of the importance of training and career development for the whole of a company 's work force .
14 The length of syllables has an important part to play in prominence .
15 A person who is mentally disordered appears to be liable for wrongs , unless his disorder excludes some specific state of mind which forms an essential part of the wrong .
16 Writing forms an essential part of college work .
17 The work experience element certificated through module 5110500 Travel and Tourism Work Experience , forms an essential part of the programme .
18 The Enterprise Router is available on two physical systems : in the Master Chassis and as a System Centre Module , and forms an integrated part of the intelligent hub .
19 This forms an integral part of the TESSA leaflet .
20 Fieldwork , both at home and abroad , forms an integral part of the course , and there is also an opportunity to gain experience of survey techniques , cartography , data analysis , computing and remote sensing .
21 Brooklands ' aviation heritage has not been forgotten , it forms an integral part of the ‘ atmosphere ’ at the Museum .
22 I begin by showing how different phases of that temporal process are associated with different spaces in and around the longhouse and end by showing that the very same " space-time " principles underlie the structure of the cosmos The anthropologist must regard the ancestral cosmos as an imaginary projection of present experience , but at the same time it is a projection which both controls present experience and forms an integral part of it .
23 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty .
24 The research on energy forms an integral part of an ongoing programme of research also supported by a club of sponsors from the energy industries .
25 The microfilm camera , which forms an integral part of the set-up , would be available for use elsewhere , e.g. by Photographic Department .
26 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
27 Fieldwork also forms an integral part of the curriculum .
28 Nursing practice forms an integral part of learning to nurse and is a crucial element in nursing studies .
29 Information retrieval should be recognized as a skill within its own right , though it forms an integral part of wider study skills .
30 Extensive conversation with a native teacher forms an integral part of all courses .
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