Example sentences of "[vb -s] not [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Make a more assured and selective use of a wider range of grammatical and lexical features , characteristic of different styles , that are appropriate for topic , purpose and audience , eg in impersonal writing choosing vocabulary that does not betray attitudes or feelings ; in poetic writing choosing vocabulary that conveys attitudes , responses or emotions .
2 Male behaviour which does not attract females to mate is eliminated by natural selection .
3 Therefore in a positive sense , conservation does not attract bureaucrats or quasi-official middlemen .
4 The sale of a business as a going concern does not attract VAT but certain undertakings as to the keeping of records are required and it is normal to apply in advance for confirmation of the exemption .
5 The discharged sheet is much easier to manage and does not attract dust and lint .
6 For example , although France objects to the use of the postal channel , an exception exists in favour of documents emanating from Luxembourg but it has to be admitted that as this arrangement is the subject of a bilateral convention it is actually saved by provisions in the General Clauses of the 1965 Convention , and does not attract Article 11 .
7 Literature does not generate literature ; ideologies do not create ideologies ; superstructures do not generate superstructures except as an inert and passive inheritance : they are not generated by " parthenogensis " , but by the intervention of the " male " element , history , that is to say new social relations .
8 Entertainment does not generate belief but merely facilitates the relationship .
9 Foucault emphasizes that his work does not lay claim to universal or general categories , nor is it even homogeneous , a presupposition that , as he has shown , has less to do with the work as such than the critical construction of its ‘ author ’ .
10 Revealing hidden strengths and weaknesses does not denote success or failure , but enables us to offer more precise guidelines for executives to achieve their maximum potential . ’
11 In general , therefore , it is best if a questionnaire does not request name unless a future follow-up is anticipated .
12 Gagosian does not represent artists or their interests , he simply buys and sells works on the market , and he is known to be spectacularly good at it .
13 This view would actually seem to accord with Marx 's own expressed view that ‘ although all surplus-value takes the form of surplus product , surplus product as such does not represent surplus-value . ’
14 While our annual GOTY competition does not represent Guitarist 's opinion as to what is actually the ‘ best ’ guitar that year , we do only choose instruments whose design and construction offer no compromises .
15 The movement was not without criticism from those whose support might have been taken for granted ; Robertson Nicoll pronounced the 1894 Congress a ‘ failure ’ because ‘ it does not represent Nonconformity and it is wholly lacking in enthusiasm and initiative . ’
16 One obvious disadvantage of a telephone survey is that it does not represent people who are too poor to afford telephones .
17 The ruling by the European Court that the British law does not break EC rules leaves the whole business in chaos .
18 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
19 Such treatment does not improve germination ( they are protected by a hard endocarp during their animal passage ) , but seedlings grow up in dung piles in clearings : the species is shade-intolerant .
20 The whole series is a tribute to Shakespeare 's dramatic imagination , but it does not inspire affection .
21 Its record in economic crisis-management does not inspire confidence .
22 As has already been suggested , their record does not inspire confidence .
23 But given the quality of MI5 's intelligence displayed during the Gulf war , when it was used as evidence against alleged Iraqi fifth columnists , increased involvement by the agency does not inspire confidence .
24 Thirdly , it does not inspire confidence in her work to find it not simply going beyond the independent evidence we have , but often going against it .
25 It does not inspire Gedge on a lyrical level but Solowka and himself have maintained many of their earlier convictions , although they remain fairly concealed .
26 For example , a small aerial on a building may very well not be development , any more than moving round light partitions in an office or work such as decoration which does not necessitate building .
27 Similarly , although each of the jurisdictions has divided the traditional offence of rape into several categories , this in itself does not necessitate abandonment of the term rape .
28 From the point of view of stress , the most important fact about the way we pronounce this word is that on the second syllable the pitch of the voice does not remain level , but usually falls from a higher to a lower pitch .
29 ‘ True , ’ said Julia , ‘ but in Palestine the British army does not burn villages , hang hostages and leave their bodies in village squares for days at a time as a warning , whatever horror they feel at things like the bombing of the King David Hotel and the murders of those sergeants .
30 A major weakness of the MRC-NCS is that it does not engage clients and carers sufficiently in the assessment of need .
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