Example sentences of "[vb -s] to [art] time " in BNC.

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1 All of this adds to the time involved in the process and certainly adds to the fees .
2 Professor von Hayek , a luminary much admired by the Prime Minister , writes to The Times suggesting that if attacks are made against the forces in the Falklands , Britain should retaliate on the Argentine mainland .
3 If the load conditions change , however , the timer period no longer corresponds to the time taken to reach the overshoot position and the resultant response is poor .
4 This is a date and time serial number and corresponds to the time given by your computer 's system clock at the point you pressed the Enter key .
5 What happens to a Time Lord who loses his TARDIS , Bernice wondered .
6 If you go faster , erm what happens to the time it takes ?
7 Fix First one we did was fixed speed , sixty miles an hour , we go double the speed , so what happens to the time ?
8 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
9 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
10 No , I always get up an well , most of the time she sleeps to a time plan .
11 The sales cycle refers to the time which can reasonably be expected to pass before an order is concluded .
12 One aspect of this discretion relates to the time limit for making an application for judicial review under RSC Order 53 : s. 31(6) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 allows the court to refuse leave or to refuse relief if there has been undue delay in making the application and that the granting of relief would , amongst other things , be ‘ detrimental to good administration ’ .
13 If one goes far enough back in United Kingdom constitutional history , one comes to a time when neither Lords nor Commons existed as such and when indeed , it was often by no means certain where the Crown should reside .
14 This means that each one of them must know what human experience they each must share when it comes to the time of evocation .
15 Each of the catechists must be in touch with their own life experience , and in particular the helper catechists need to know something of the life history of their friends so that a real historical event can be shared when it comes to the time for each one to share parts of their personal story — for that is where God speaks to each one of us .
16 Activity was such that the Ladies resumed sending their golf reports to The Times , Sporting Life and Gentlewoman and the Standard warned of the early re-introduction of the entrance fee .
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