Example sentences of "[vb -s] to [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What Marx and Engels show is that since these ideas are examples of ideology , attributing to them causal primacy amounts to making them unquestionable , and to making the social order which they legitimate and organize — capitalism — free from possible challenge .
2 Such judgements should be based on experience that one continually learns from , which leads to knowing what to expect .
3 And I think you can see that the , the word transference here is , is in the sense that transference erm , alludes to transferring something from one place to another , as if the feeling , which were originally experienced , for example , in the family , were being transferred to the , to the analytic situation , to the , to the analysis .
4 It then becomes easy in service provision to slip almost unwittingly from providing what we think the clientele requires to providing what we think they ought to have .
5 The same applies to changing your chairs or perhaps your kitchen fitments .
6 From watching and applauding a youngster 's efforts and triumphs to giving yourself a pat on the back for working well and doing things properly you 'll be chuffed and cheered by today 's developments .
7 you , you , you 're relying on , but you did n't really sort of go back and say , I mean I , I would use a phrase like erm you know , regards to planning your future I 'm sure you found that of benefit to you tonight and get re and actually dig a bit deeper in that and say what was it in the , in , in that actual form that , that
8 Benge refers to reading which is
9 I 'd like to take up your point about is it that erm after revolution and so on and break downs , governments er countries , say like Russian , China er some of these eastern European countries , they 're motivation goes to building their country up to resist occupation .
10 And that today Jean still resorts to cutting herself , reflects her basic lack of self-esteem , as well as her need to try to ‘ reach ’ someone who will be able to give her the help she so desperately needs .
11 Also , the process of writing often brings fresh insights to mind , and helps to ground them in your everyday life — as anyone who keeps a dream diary will know .
12 This is reflected in in that of N C V O's three strategic objectives , which relates to improving its own operational effectiveness , and enhancing recognition of its role .
13 David Rosser of Ammanford , Dyfed , carries a small water pistol that he squirts into dogs ' eyes , and also confesses to bombarding them with small pebbles .
14 Still only 39 , Ian confesses to adoring his wife — hence the silk rose for Valentine 's Day — and a determination to put the love boat out in style when his 20-year-old daughter gets married next year .
15 Crilly does not feel alienated by my visits to the Heath , though he confesses to missing me by day and he is usually at home when I return .
16 The response from the people he talks to gives him a grassroots view of the questions being asked throughout the Company , while the meetings give the staff the opportunity to put their own points to him straight from the shoulder .
17 Now there 's a new book , Royal Jelly — the Guide to the World 's Richest Health Food ( Thorsons , £4.99 ) by Irene Stein , whose enthusiasm for the miracle supplement extends to selling it through her company .
18 There is no doubt that his duty extends to informing his patient , if asked , of the nature of his illness and its likely prognosis .
19 Notes should therefore be taken in a consistent format that allows you the greatest flexibility when it comes to using them .
20 And , what 's more , he 's an expert when it comes to sailing them .
21 When it comes to choosing which machine to buy I would suspect that our requirements would be rather different from your own .
22 There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing which typeface and style to use within a document but there are guidelines which can reduce any potential conflicts .
23 It is certainly crucial when it comes to choosing your venue .
24 When it comes to connecting your new lights up , you have several options .
25 Although farm workers may love the job itself , when it comes to advising their sons about employment , they pay more heed to the poor pay and lack of prospects .
26 When it comes to competing there 's no one tougher … the Aylesbury racer has even broken his neck in the pursuit of victory .
27 AQUARIUS You ca n't go far wrong this week when it comes to expressing yourself .
28 When it comes to helping you arrive in better shape , we know no boundaries .
29 Largest aircraft to leave the Museum and the one that could give the most problems when it comes to moving it , is former Spanish Dornier Do 24 flying boat HD5-1 .
30 Anyway , the point is this that I am going to say as far as I 'm concerned I 'm gon na put all my maximum ability in making sure that this government stands by its obligation which it gave me when I wrote to the Prime Minister because I was very very concerned that I did not want to see the old people and pensioners who was having difficulty in making ends meet , suffer further and therefore I am with you when it comes to concerning yourself in relation to the O A P's or the pensioners or any one who is suffering because of the s seventeen and o half percent , the maximum is put on .
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