Example sentences of "[vb -s] the same as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She thinks the same as Dora , that Dieter 's only interested in me because I 've got money .
2 He thinks the same as you , it should be banned and strictly sort of I do n't .
3 Staff will now be able to participate in future free mail-in offers the same as other customers .
4 I mean , we 've got this , it 's been on , Mrs , I know , she has the same as I do , but but er the the these people who need such help , I mean , I 'm not being it it it just it just they 've just not included in the programme really , and er , we 've written I think from this committee over the years er made submissions over the years , and message still does n't seem to have got through , that that that that er this , and I think very valuable work , that can contribute to the quality of life for all of us , if we can improve the lot for these people .
5 She has the same as us .
6 These Lasius fuliginosus are walking along two experimental trails : the bottom trail has constant concentration ; the concentration of the top trail starts the same as the bottom one but gradually decreases .
7 Alternatively , the teacher may take the initiative : ‘ Can you find one that looks the same as this one ?
8 Nobody believes his story , of course — he looks the same as he always has done .
9 The idea is that a service representative talking to a customer on the phone will be able to view a document on the screen that looks the same as the printed document the customer has .
10 Since the space to the right of the charged sheet looks the same as that to the left , the magnitude of the electric field will be the same at z=a and z=-a .
11 From the outside it looks the same as the broader opportunity garden , but once through the gates the entrant sees that it is only a narrow strip .
12 It looks the same as a racist stare , but it means something different .
13 It , it achieves the same as somebody , somebody putting a ball in a hole with , with as least hits as he can .
14 That says the same as that look , float .
15 Sunlink Point-to-Point Protocol costs the same as the Frame Relay software and also shares the ability to be controlled and configured by a central SNMP-based management station such as SunNet Manager .
16 And why is the direction of time in which disorder increases the same as that in which the universe expands ?
17 So once you know what it means it helps a little bit and can you think of a word that ends the same as that ?
18 There are cooperatives in which the manager gets the same as the band members and the manager 's office expenses are treated as a band cost , along with the trucks , boats and recording .
19 In which case I would see that the sensible thing to do , which is what we have done , is to assume that the current vacancy rate stays the same as a percentage and that with a larger dwelling stock , results in some additional vacant dwellings .
20 agree with that lady over there about er Queen , I think she does a wonderful job and , it 's come through lately there like she just suffers the same as any natural mother , their family , the way they live , the way their
21 At first it sounds the same as our earlier description of the positive value of doubt .
22 Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom ?
23 The wording of s743(3) is in all material respects the same as the wording of s681(1) .
24 If your right nostril , thumb , rib cage or knee feels the same as the left one , then you can relax , confident that the machine is OK .
25 ‘ He feels the same as us , that it is best not to sedate her , but let her grief come out now , ’ she said .
26 Is what he feels the same as what we would feel were we holding him ?
27 He just smells the same as the rest of them . "
28 The intruder is able to recognise the owner because it smells the same as its mark , and so can decide whether to challenge for ownership or simply move on .
29 An intent to cause injury by shock is sufficient and apparently means the same as an intent to cause injury to the person ( R v Rapier [ 1980 ] Crim LR 48 ) .
30 ( ‘ Half-way decent ’ in this lowest common denominator-dominated field means the same as the word ‘ revolutionary ’ applied to an ad campaign , or ‘ epoch-making ’ used to describe a rock album . )
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