Example sentences of "[vb -s] the high [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
2 To the east of Klagenfurt the mountains diminish in size , but the western Carinthia/eastern Tyrol border around Lienz contains the highest peaks in Austria and is an area of Alpine valleys surrounded by forests and mountains rising to more than 10,000 feet .
3 Britain has the highest emissions of sulphur dioxide — a prime cause of acid rain — in the EC .
4 Our rail network is the lowest funded , the lowest staffed and has the lowest investment programme in Europe with the poorest quality service and the fastest declining level of safety , but B R has the highest fares .
5 According to the Global Environment Monitoring System , the city of Xian has the highest levels measured anywhere , at an average density of over 500 micrograms per cubic metre ( Shenyang and Beijing are third and fourth , with around 400 mcg per cubic metre .
6 The projected scheme of capping , which limits any council tax increase to £180 odd over the poll tax both favours the higher bands and are applied without any regard to need .
7 I believe in Jesus Christ , Born of a common woman , Who was ridiculed , disfigured and executed , Who on the third day rose and fought back ; He storms the highest councils , Where he overturns the iron rule of injustice .
8 With 18 well-appointed bedrooms , it has excellent facilities and assures the highest standards of comfort and service .
9 As dusk gradually falls at the end of Mid-summer 's Eve a flicker of bonfires links the highest points of Cornwall , from the far West to Kit Hill on the English border .
10 Map 12 shows the first floor of the Castle , and Map 13 shows the higher floors of the Great Tower .
11 The highest-average formula widely used in Europe allocates seats , one by one , to whichever party thereby shows the highest votes-per-seat .
12 His control is through their commitment to forming a clear vision of success and turning it into reality , and that vision includes the highest standards of self-discipline .
13 However , with the weather in Scotland in April less of a concern , World Cup directors Marcel Martin , Russ Thomas and Keith Rowlands argue that a World Cup requires the highest standards not only in skill and ability but also in stamina and fitness .
14 LASMO requires the highest standards of integrity from its employees and adherence to a published Code of Business Ethics is a condition of employment for all staff .
15 It acts as a so-called mind-expanding drug , ’ he added with distaste , ‘ which opens the higher centres of the brain that humans are n't ready to use yet .
16 Writing from a similar perspective , Collins attributes the higher salaries of the more educated employees to the certification process rather than to their higher productivity , i.e. , the increasing tendency by employers to select and promote employees according to the education credentials they hold .
17 This reflects the high levels of nitrate in modern tapwater and the pondowners ' occasional need to perform large scale water changes with untreated water .
18 The table lists the high bids for the aircraft at the Annual Reno Warbird and Classic Aircraft Auction .
19 The dolphin flesh is destined for local meat markets , and although Japanese scientists have often appealed to fishermen to release young animals , they are generally ignored since tender infant dolphin meat fetches the highest prices .
20 Although an older house , it moves with its time in that is expresses the highest values of the middle classes in words such as ‘ homelike ’ and ‘ comfortable ’ , those used to describe Monk 's Topping as well as Matching .
21 Our military personnel structure combines the high standards and severe sanctions against personal failure you would expect with a more-than-generous salary .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects the higher standards of residual stability recommended by the steering committee of the roll on/roll off ferry safety research programme to be applied to all roll on/roll off ferries using British ports .
23 This means the High Elves must rely on their bowmen and their magicians for long range mass slaughter .
24 maintains the highest standards .
25 Chief executive Alan Hancock claims the high fees simply reflect the need for top quality advice and the costs of fullfilling Stock Exchange requirements .
26 It demonstrates the high standards that our apprentices achieve , ’ he added .
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