Example sentences of "[vb -s] and [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Liability of an effective supplier is envisaged under s2(3) as follows : ( 3 ) Subject , as aforesaid , where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , any person who supplied the product ( whether to the person who suffered the damage , to the producer of any product in which the product in question is comprised or to any other person ) shall be liable for the damage if ( a ) the person who suffered the damage requests the supplier to identify one or more of the persons ( whether still in existence or not ) to whom subsection ( 2 ) above applies in relation to the product ; ( b ) that request is made within a reasonable period after the damage occurs and at a time when it is not reasonably practicable for the person making the request to identify all those persons ; and ( c ) the supplier fails , within a reasonable period after receiving the request , either to comply with the request or to identify the person who supplied the product to him .
2 Many farm workers join the union , therefore , not for ideological reasons , but for the friendly society benefits which it offers and as an insurance against ‘ problems ’ with the tied cottage , ‘ just in case ’ .
3 Many diets fail because they do not provide the variety of foods that the body craves and after a couple of enthusiastic days the willpower begins to weaken .
4 night , bless mummy and dad die for , sweet for she 's got what it takes , she 's everything that the boy really rate , oh cutie , my tooty fruity , my heart , my love she 's oh , oh right , she 's got just what it takes , she 's got what it takes and with a boogy , really , really rates , oh , oh , oh , oh , yo , oh , oh , oh rrrrrp petit the finest girl you ever wan na meet rrrrp petit the finest girl you ever wan na meet rrrrp petit the finest girl you ever wan na meet
5 Arnulf began his formal education at the cathedral school of Seés and for a short time held the position of treasurer of Bayeux .
6 Since by definition jewellery reflects and in a sense embodies the social order , it should hardly be surprising , still less an occasion for despair , that social change as profound as that which marked the transition from an aristocratic to a democratic order should have brought about drastic changes in the uses to which precious substances were put .
7 Using the tax function introduced above , the multiplier for a change in government expenditure becomes and for a change in autonomous taxation it is
8 For perpetual FRNs , ( 5.62 ) becomes and on a coupon payment date if , as is expected on a coupon payment date , P= 100 .
9 ‘ He never hides and in a lot of ways you could liken him to John McGovern .
10 As soon as this is big enough to cling to , the speed of construction accelerates and within a few days the wall has become a semicircular cup of creamy white interlacing strings that is just big enough to hold the customary clutch of two eggs .
11 Take the T V away and conversation collapses and dies and in a survey a former German couple , they took away lots of and they were nearly suicidal and they were nearly murdering
12 The wife , Margery , refuses him ; the clerk departs and on a friend 's advice takes his problem to an older woman , Dame Sirith .
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