Example sentences of "[vb -s] hold the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The man who beats the victim has to hold the Koran under his arm , ’ a senior official said .
2 With so many people leaving the land , something has to hold the village together .
3 On the other hand it has to hold the interest of a class for at least one viewing .
4 When the thyristor triggers into conduction it presents a virtual short-circuit across Zener diode D4 ( which has held the base voltage of the pnp transistor TR3 at a cutoff level of 3.3V ) and so pulls the base down sufficiently to switch TR3 on .
5 Fr Lyons has held the position for ten years .
6 He has held the position on a part-time basis for the past few months .
7 He has held the position of Chief Financial Officer with Princess Cruises since returning to the United States in 1992 .
8 He has held the position of Deputy Group Treasurer since 1985 .
9 Since 1979 Saddam Hussein has held the posts of President , Prime Minister , RCC chair and secretary-general of the Ba'ath regional command .
10 A decade ago , NEC Corp surged past Motorola Inc and Texas Instruments Inc to become the world 's largest chipmaker , and Japan has held the title ever since — until 1991 , when according to Dataquest , Intel Corp grew 26% to win it back for the US .
11 And the Vatican has held the secret to this very day .
12 JOHN Ockenden , chairman of Data Logic , has been appointed chairman of the National Computing Centre , succeeding Dr John Ashworth of the London School of Economics who has held the post since June 1983 .
13 He takes over this month from Hugh Collum , finance director of SmithKline Beecham , who has held the post for two years .
14 He replaces Dominic Gattuso who has held the post temporarily and returns to the database company 's Emeryville , California-based headquarters as vice president of worldwide business operations .
15 Delegates from Austria , Belgium , France , Great Britain , Ireland , Holland , Germany , South Africa , Switzerland , the US and Italy will take part and as new president will be voted in this year to succeed Andrew Hill who has held the post for twenty years .
16 Sir Gordon , 61 this month , has held the post for 16 years , since its inception .
17 He takes over from Jenny Goddard who has held the post since 1989 , and who leaves to set up a new careers service at the College of Law .
18 President : Gen. ( retd ) Suharto has held the post since 1968 .
19 Since then he has held the Transport , Employment , Northern Ireland and Defence portfolios .
20 Lewis has held the world light heavyweight title for the last four years and was conceding five stone to an opponent rated highly by the Americans .
21 Perhaps it is time to ask ourselves whether the notion of treatment by opposites , which has held the stage for so long , is indeed the false path that Hahnemann considered it to be .
22 ‘ He came of a crusading line which has held the manor of Templecombe since time immemorial ? ’
23 And it is certainly true that , on previous form , the centre party has failed to extract any long-term benefit from recent occasions when it has held the balance of power .
24 Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama called for a tougher line , including an arms embargo , against the junta which has held the democracy campaigner under house arrest since July 1989 .
25 They all believe the Tory victory will provide the missing confidence that has held the housing market back for the past 12 months .
26 He has had a very distinguished career and by dint of old-fashioned virtues and a marvellously warm personality has held the Party together on many occasions .
27 Derek Foster , who has held the Commons chief whip post for four years , is being challenged by Ron Davies , the MP for Caerphilly .
28 Mr Lee , 66 , leader of the ruling People 's Action Party , has held the office since 1959 when Singapore became a self-governing state .
29 But I find it totally incomprehensible that someone who has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for over six years should want to resign over a personality with such suddenness and haste . ’
30 ‘ But I find it totally incomprehensible if someone has held the office of Chancellor with high standing for six years to want to resign over a personality — with such suddenness and haste . ’
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