Example sentences of "[vb -s] her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
2 At least she has her family for support and company , and losing some of her friends and social outlets might be less damaging to her than to her single sister .
3 Notably , she reserves her criticism for Lombroso — not by any means , at the time she was writing , the only person to have made the connection — remarking that his method was merely one of ‘ heaping up instances which support his thesis ’ .
4 Janine Carr ( pictured below ) , from Bedhampton , receives her cheque for £200 and a Reebok footwear and clothing contract from Reebok technical advisor , Kevin Gilchrist , as her reward for winning the girls ' 16 and under section of the 15 tournament Reebok Grand Prix Grand Prix , 1991 .
5 Sam sues her father for £1m
6 The Duchess of York says her work for the Motor Neurone Disease Association saved her sanity after she was pictured topless on holiday with financial advisor John Bryan .
7 Maureen says her priority for homes is comfort and light — her own abode is a ‘ mixture of old and new ’ — and she champions individual taste over trendiness .
8 One example of how she uses her position for the good of the game , and for others , occurred in October when , suffering from a painful wrist injury and against her doctor 's advice , she played an exhibition , not for personal gain , but to raise money for multiple sclerosis .
9 She uses her car for company business ( about 2,000 miles a year ) and it is also available for her private use .
10 The girl envies the penis of boys , and blames her mother for not giving her one .
11 She blames her mother for this and sees it as a sign of inferiority , thus experiencing penis envy and transfers her affections to her father as he has the penis she wants .
12 She also shows her bias for Bassanio in the music she plays when he is choosing the caskets .
13 A woman shows her support for the South West Africa People 's Organisation ( Swapo ) at an election rally in Windhoek .
14 She takes her greyhound for walks , and the animal becomes , tactfully , briefly , for half a paragraph or so , something more than just a dog .
15 Is a defendant who fails even to consider that a woman might not be consenting still to be acquitted if he takes her consent for granted ?
16 Also , perhaps , that sometimes at night , she finds her crying for the starving of Africa or unable to sleep with the terror of the possibility of nuclear war or desperately seeking a denial of the reality of the horror of the Holocaust .
17 In a postscript Eliza somewhat enigmatically mentions her pregnancy for the first time :
18 One of the artistes , Mrs. Mills , abandons her piano for No. 1 .
19 Leapor also expresses her distaste for flattery in ‘ Advice to Myrtillo ’ .
20 Perry taps the needle one last time , taps her arm for veins and injects the syringe into a bruise .
21 And as her pregnancy advances her need for insulin will gradually increase .
22 She had a number of very enthusiastic friends who did the research and , and generally assisted her , but everybody gives her credit for , not only working in New York , but it actually was not Federal legislation , they had to work state by state .
23 Since 1981 she has been feature-writing for the bi-monthly alumni magazine of the University of Massachusetts , which gives her scope for science reporting and reporting on contemporary issues .
24 This fine psychological portrait becomes especially poignant in the final scene , in which Eliza declares her affection for him and he , though deeply moved , is incapable of responding .
25 He confesses his past mistakes to his daughter who reaffirms her love for him and then , at the close of the play , he retires to the shade of a beech tree and dies .
26 She may even find , if a relationship has been a particularly draining one , that this brings sweet relief and restores her zest for life .
27 I suppose it serves her right for not reading THE FACE .
28 Deee-magical : Lady Miss Kier , the Love Ball fairy , struts her stuff for Aids charities
29 Cool capable Kate the British Committee librarian confronts Kate the embryonic hysteric , catches her eye for a moment and grimaces with a bitter self-directed humour .
30 The till girl mouths her request for identity .
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