Example sentences of "[vb -s] their [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 FORTY million people have ‘ disappeared ’ in the icy wasteland of the Soviet Union , and British archeologist Dr Andrei Miller joins their ranks in the harrowing Lost In Siberia ( High Fliers , 15 , out now ) .
2 In one case what counts is the ‘ objective positions ’ which ‘ white people ’ as such occupy within the ‘ racist power structure ’ ; in the second it is their socialization , or cultural traditions which racializes their relationships to blacks .
3 Ethnicity , whatever its basis , is a readily definable way of expressing a real sense of group identity which links the members of ‘ we ’ because it emphasises their differences from ‘ them ’ .
4 Their platform emphasises their achievements in reducing child mortality and enhancing rural education , and seeks to present the FSLN as an experienced , united party .
5 Their platform emphasises their achievements in reducing child mortality and enhancing rural education , and seeks to present the FSLN as an experienced , united party .
6 As many of the points developed here arise from the fuller accounts of the three theories in section 1.5 , I have opted to end this chapter on an activity which highlights their points of divergence , their points of overlap and their respective view of the UK crossroads .
7 Steiner accepted that the Situationists had identified and accurately described the emptiness of everyday life and even accepts their pleas for subversion , but was very sour about what he described as the ‘ depressingly banal ’ prescriptions of Debord and the ‘ turgid creed ’ of Vaneigem .
8 Polgar rations their appearances in a natural wish to protect them from the media .
9 Two engineering firms within a couple of miles of each other are making the cuts , but their MP insists their chances of finding new jobs are good
10 He proclaims their achievements in front of all .
11 The prime minister then selects the members of his or her cabinet and other government ministers and submits their names to the monarch who , by convention , does not deny the prime minister 's choice .
12 Parliament , too , has to keep its working methods under review to make sure it attracts the best people to the service of their country and uses their talents to best effect .
13 Randi describes their methods in detail , except where some professional magicians ' secret would otherwise be exposed .
14 Here , Miller describes their encounters in the months leading up to Ali 's 50th birthday
15 Second , those who report the presence of such a condition are then asked if it limits their activities in any way .
16 He meets their eyes with a look that almost confesses .
17 Farmers in one of the most important regions are threatening a strike unless Mr Gorbachov meets their demands for higher prices .
18 Operators who have their tachograph charts analysed by an outside agency need to be careful about exactly what it is they are buying and whether it meets their requirements in protecting them from breaches of the law by their employees and agents .
19 It is likely that he will set out to make a deal with the aborigines , offering compensation in return for legislation that clarifies their rights over land .
20 But most particularly we are concerned with the way in which learners and environments interact , for it is in that interaction that we , as parents and teachers , can best help children to realize their linguistic and intellectual potential by adopting a conversational style that maximises their opportunities for learning .
21 That at least confirms their predictions of how the world is .
22 It confirms their arguments by showing us a wealth of British paintings and prints , and allows the ‘ victims ’ — in the form of contemporary artists from the Lebanon , India , Iran and Iraq — to answer back , which they do with uncomfortable success .
23 Appendix I , Table 22 shows their answers in detail .
24 Now it is known that ripening tomatoes ripen faster when placed together on a window ledge , because they produce ethylene gas which stimulates their neighbours to faster and synchronous ripening .
25 Exponents of the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy , by searching for absolutes , especially in what is currently limited data , run the danger of having to change their supposition concerning the ‘ intrinsic ’ qualities of writing every time a new form of literacy practices is identified , which undermines their claims to ‘ universality ’ .
26 By so doing he provides her with some immunity against the chronic depression which afflicts so many mothers of pre-school age children , and which in turn undermines their abilities as parents .
27 By giving staff flexibility to attend to private matters more easily during the working week , it raises their levels of motivation and morale , thus producing lower levels of absenteeism .
28 Both these studies have emphasised the importance to these women of marrying supportive husbands , which markedly increases their chances of avoiding parenting difficulties and depression .
29 The archaic heritage consists of religion , tradition and morality , most of which operates unconsciously in people , and yet affects their connections with society .
30 Another important difference between exogenous and indigenous firms concerns their linkages with the local economy .
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