Example sentences of "[vb -s] we [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who 's attacked who is very old or very young fills us with deep concern .
2 This allows us in particular to consider the criticisms made by Prest .
3 This highlight sustains us through successive rooms of the flotsam and jetsam of royal life , not least a sample of the reams of press cuttings .
4 Downstairs , in the crypt , Toni Halliday is carefully painting a red dot on her forehead while Curve guitarist Alex regales us with unlikely tales of cockroaches the size of dachshunds in his flat at home after spotting a standard one moving about their dressing room ‘ john ’ and a dead one upturned next to the lockers .
5 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
6 Often our intuition or sixth sense warns us of impending danger but we ignore it because of social pressure , lack of time or lack of courage .
7 And that implies that our learning together engages us in dynamic encounter dynamic dialogue which also releases some of those energies in various areas of life that would otherwise be sealed or indeed , locked !
8 In this development , the world of natural things — the making and conservation of which concerns us in Rural Studies — has been the key to the inspiration which Basil Rocke gave us .
9 This is not magic , for it introduces us to new relationships of intimacy and friendship , rather than of impersonal power and fantasy .
10 The twists and turns of Goldwyn 's life can become tedious , since he was so often fighting the same battles ; and the extent of his involvement in the industry means that Berg continually digresses to enlarge on some aspect of movie history , or introduces us to other personalities as they appear .
11 Next day we will be visiting John Beckman 's Applenotch herd at Minster , Ohio , and international judge Lauren Elysass will be our host in the afternoon when he shows us around Quiet Cove Farms .
12 It leads us towards inner peace .
13 Therefore the poem leads us towards transcendental moments of revelation , scattered throughout , but climaxing at the Simplon Pass ( end of Book vi ) and the vision on Mount Snowdon in the last book of the poem ; in the same way Aeneas was granted a vision of the destiny of Rome in Book VI of the Aeneid , and Adam in Paradise Lost receives revelations on top of a high mountain .
14 The Clio reaches us in perfect condition , excepting a few scuffs on the steel wheel trims .
15 One could go further and give more weight to differences with lower sampling variability , but that takes us into confirmatory statistics and beyond the scope of this book .
16 That takes us to Joint Planning and the part of the voluntary organisations play or should play in the process .
17 Major criticises US over global warming stance
18 The left-angled Swastika symbolizes the centripetal force related to the pull of gravity — the force which ties us to mental stagnation — decay and dissolution .
19 What I am suggesting is that this use of ultra simple " binary logic " , which is tied in with the way we recognize speech sounds , is an inbuilt feature of our psychological make-up which distinguishes us as human beings .
20 It is the capacity to feel , to reflect , to regret , to repent that distinguishes us from other creatures .
21 It symbolizes our social experience and locates us with social groups from which we draw our identities .
22 It draws us towards other ignored aspects of existence usually called the psychic , esoteric or occult and suggests a possible connection .
23 Inside the Glass House , heat surrounds us like wet felt .
24 It is because of the universality of the threat to freedom contained in homophobia that it becomes highly important that we try to avoid both the language which dissociates us from sexual acts by others in which we do not want to participate , and the attitudes which that language represents .
25 Obviously Delia Cope is a white middle class racist woman who really does n't care how she oppresses us as Black women .
26 Le corbeau tells us about human nature , not national character .
27 His main focus is what this dispersal tells us about human variation and evolution .
28 He tells us about Old Mother Walsh and how the snake is coming for him .
29 Only , as Lewis tells us in Surprised by Joy , ‘ when we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God , and when we reached the zoo I did . ’
30 Le Prestre et les deus ribaus , " The priest and the two wastrels " , presents us with sacrilegious puns on " d é/D; é " ( die [ plural dice ] /God ) and " douze/Dieus " ( twelve [ =double-six ] /God ) .
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