Example sentences of "[vb -s] at [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He needs at all rimes to be in full possession of his faculties , or that extra , unpredictable poetic thrust would never declare itself — that heart-lifting boost that rockets mere words into the outer spaces of true poetry .
2 Yours will most probably be the arms she needs at this point , and the best thing you can do for her is to show that you share her grief , and that as far as possible you are going to be the rock on which she can lean while the sands of her life are shifting so frighteningly beneath her feet .
3 Other things to think about when you 're identifying training alright a handout for you identifying training needs at this stage just to make sure that ya the are still out .
4 ‘ To my mind , ’ she wrote , ‘ he has all the qualities of a leading man that the British film industry badly needs at this juncture : youth , good looks , a photogenic face , obviously alert intelligence and a trick of getting the maximum effect with the minimum of fuss . ’
5 The last thing that the country needs at this moment are the sort of enormous tax increases being advocated covertly by the Opposition — the tax increases implied by their sky-scraping public spending plans .
6 The minimum energy path for such growth incorporates at each step the maximum number of pentagons consistent with a rule that each pair of pentagons should be separated by a pair of hexagons .
7 It has at all times been an act of faith and a declaration of belief , the faith and the belief that a society and a nation will fare best , in this world and the next , where the most promising of its youth are withdrawn at a critical period of their development to spend several years in close and intimate proximity with one another and with those whose talent and delight is the pursuit of knowledge of all kinds for its own sake and the communication of that talent and delight to their successors .
8 Durability has at all times been a main attribute of the materials held in highest regard and it is precisely the most durable things that have most chance of surviving .
9 Yet the transmission of precious substances in the form of jewellery or other objects of display has at all times and most notably during the last five millennia served the same purpose the world over , that of signalling and enhancing status .
10 Upjohn has at all times contended that Halcion is safe and effective and that any errors in the presentation of its material to the Licensing Authority were unintended , and it is suing the BBC for libel .
11 And the easiest way to ensure that — a readiness to criticise the Government at each and every turn — is the one temptation he has at all costs to resist .
12 This then provides the background for the next comment made in the text , about the difficulty of proof : the case just discussed is a relatively easy one , since the testator has at any rate made it clear that the coheirs are intended to benefit under his will .
13 A child is not to be taken as having a learning difficulty solely because the language ( or form of the language ) in which he is or will be taught is different from a language ( or from of language ) which has at any time been spoken in the house .
14 that he or she is or has been a director of a company which has at any time become insolvent ( whether while he or she was a director or subsequently ) ; and
15 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
16 Conversely , where existing competition is light and the traditional catchment area of the firm large , a wide restraint may be expected to be upheld ; and ( 4 ) a prohibition against accepting instructions from any person who has at any time , or over a long period , been a client of the outgoing partner 's former firm .
17 11.1 Save as provided in clause 11.2 no agent adviser or other person acting for the Landlord has at any time prior to the making of this agreement been authorised by the Landlord to make to the Tenant or to any agent adviser or other person acting for the Tenant any representation whatever ( whether written oral or implied ) in relation to the Site or the Premises or to any matter contained or referred to in this agreement
18 But the horizon no longer has any black skies , and it looks more forgiving than it has at any point until now .
19 for example , to solve any design problem there has at some stage to be a switch from systems thinking to thinking in terms of physical entities because these are the things that can be created , precisely located and manipulated in the real world .
20 Almost every child , I imagine , has at some time owned a much-loved Teddy Bear .
21 ‘ Obviously I think about it , every East German has at some time thought about it , or still does .
22 Burnage Court , the big house in the picture hidden in trees at the end , has at some time been cruelly treated , with badly applied half-timbering on the ground floor and tile-hanging on the first .
23 Everyone in nursing has at some time experienced the abuse of power by someone more senior , and has been hurt by it , yet the system is difficult to modify .
24 The North Berwick line enjoys a spectacular claim to fame because it has at some time or other in its history been powered by every possible form of motive power ; horse , steam , diesel and electricity .
25 One advantage Bedfordshire has at this time was that packages such as SIR , EDFAX and COMMUNITEL were being piloted in the country and one librarian was involved in a Prestel project .
26 This last is otherwise obvious ; A has only p columns , so that AB , of order ( n × n ) , has at most p linearly independent columns ; i.e. it is of rank p at most , and so must have at least n — p zero eigenvalues .
27 By the induction assumption m has at most k roots in J. Since m is uniquely determined by f and x — b ( so that no other polynomial m1 , say , can supply up to k more roots ) the assertion follows .
28 order limited with limit k if each node in the first layer has at most k inputs ;
29 Then f has at most n roots in J.
30 The most obvious incentive towards entertainment was ‘ the fact that the industry stands at all times in the presence of a high court with unlimited jurisdiction — the people before the box office ’ and from that court ‘ there is no appeal ’ .
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