Example sentences of "[vb -s] not in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dexter 's interest lies not in gang warfare , but in the character of Peter Flood .
2 The difference lies not in ideology , nor in what they have to offer for exchange , but in their unequal vulnerability to the disapproval of the United States , the IMF and the World Bank .
3 The solution to this problem lies not in legislation but in effective screening of potential surrogate mothers .
4 The complexity of [ 8 ] lies not in clause structure , but in noun phrase structure ( in this case it is the noun phrases that are italicised ) .
5 One of the problems with continuing education lies not in learning , but in unlearning .
6 I shall simply say that Lord Hailsham 's ‘ little ewe lamb ’ has not in practice proved to be the liberalising measure which he had hoped .
7 The obvious reply to this argument is that we need a reason to accept a decision reached behind this veil of ignorance , and the claim that no decision would be reached behind a differently constructed veil of ignorance is not such a reason unless it has already been shown , as it has not in fact , that we are bound by the results of some veil of ignorance , whatever it may be .
8 Gershuny ( 1982 ) reported that these have saved time for working-class households and challenged the widespread contrary belief , instanced by Bowlby ( 1984 ) , that technology has not in fact cut domestic labour .
9 Though Xorandor resigns himself to his fate , he tells the children a secret : he has not in fact come from Mars at all but is a member of a race that has been living on Earth for millions of years , communicating over vast distances through radio pulses in binary code .
10 The implication of the second sub-paragraph of Article 130R(5) therefore appears to be that although that provision gives the Community competence to negotiate international agreements relating to the protection of the environment , if the Community has not in fact exercised its powers internally , then Member States may continue to enter into international arrangements in their own right .
11 Much of this apparent reduction of paid labour has not in fact disappeared but simply been transferred to the unpaid domestic sphere .
12 Thus , as we have noted above , agreement on norms ( as consequence of close-knit and stable social patterns ) results not in uniformity of usage within a community , but on agreement on a pattern of stable differentiation .
13 To Mr Milosz , literature 's dignity resides not in politics but in a frankly metaphysical attempt to bridge awe and horror , to name the sorrow of mankind .
14 As emphasized in Section 17.4 , linear stability theory does not in principle predict the type of motion that eventually occurs as a result of this growth — non-linear processes must always come into play before that stage .
15 He finds the necessary justification for coercion in the justice or efficiency or some other contemporary virtue of the coercive decision itself , as and when it is made by judges , and he adds that consistency with any past legislative or judicial decision does not in principle contribute to the justice or virtue of any present one .
16 It is only saved from universal condemnation by the partial political acceptance of the argument that this nuclear readiness does not in practice involve a real threat and that nuclear weapons will in fact never be used .
17 He does not in practice refuse to entertain appeals solely because the decision of the local planning authority was based on a direction given by him .
18 It concluded , echoing the sentiments of Professor Smith , that the appropriate mens rea for rape was intention and recklessness and to go further ‘ would be to extend the definition of a grave crime to include conduct which , however deplorable , does not in justice or in common sense justify branding the accused as a guilty man . ’
19 After doing this several times in a two-seater during training , the student may find both that applying full opposite rudder will stop the spin and that the glider does not in fact re-stall again even if the stick is kept back .
20 Although some of the Roman cattle of the time were indeed large , with long lyre-shaped horns , the archaeological evidence does not in fact suggest that larger stock were imported into Roman Britain , but rather that the increase in size was probably the result of improved management and breeding of the existing British cattle .
21 As water contains oxygen , it does not in fact prevent the paint from drying anyway !
22 As water contains oxygen , it does not in fact prevent the paint from drying anyway !
23 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
24 Although it does not in fact provide a justification , we are much less inclined to say that it does not .
25 It is equally absurd , however , to claim ( as the industry does ) that advertising does not expand ( or slow the contraction of ) the market and that it does not in fact recruit new smokers .
26 This is almost to concede , if it does not in fact do so , that a board deriving its authority from two opposed sources can not constitute a corporate body such as decision-taking requires .
27 ( Mackie , 1974 , Ch. 6 ) We will do better to consider the objection that science does not in fact involve or make use of a conception of causal and other nomic connection .
28 The more a theory claims , the more potential opportunities there will be for showing that the world does not in fact behave in the way laid down by the theory .
29 This the High Court form of committal order does not in fact do .
30 I extract significance from melodrama , a significance which it does not in fact contain ; but occasionally , from out of this matter , there escapes a thin beam of light that , seen at the right angle , can crack the shell of mortality .
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