Example sentences of "[vb -s] not [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The key to the approach though lies not just with the police but with the Northants diversion unit .
2 The importance of Bakhtin 's method lies not simply in the formal identification of a genre or a subgenre or a chronotope , but also in the connection which he establishes between internal generic form and external history .
3 This concentration on christology is of the very essence of Barth 's method , but the greatness of his theological achievement lies not simply in the method and form of the whole , but in the way in which he succeeded by this means in re-integrating and casting quite fresh light on all the great leading themes of classical orthodox belief .
4 One 's reason for doubt lies not merely in the way selection is made : it is simply that those selected have to be very independent indeed to withstand or divert the direction pushed by permanent staff , all of whom seem already to be behaving with unwonted circumspection .
5 Some critics of the inequitable distribution of services and resources and of the poor quality of much local provision have argued that the fault lies not only with local government but with antiquated central government organization .
6 The danger , however , lies not only in swallowing false generalizations , or in forgetting how far the realities of later life are shaped by social pressures which may be quite new or open to future change .
7 The charm of this village lies not only in the pleasing situation , but in being quite unspoilt by modern buildings , and in still retaining a genuine ‘ olde worlde ’ atmosphere .
8 And the feminist folklinguistic discussion of logic does seem to imply that difference lies not only in what women say , but in the way they say it .
9 The significance of this lies not only in the fact that these are all writers who themselves adopted the ancient conception of the rule of law .
10 Its importance lies not only in its welcome — and sometimes literally life-giving — warmth , but in the light it provides .
11 The danger in this new drive that is a feature of many advanced industrial societies lies not only in raising unrealistic expectations from these areas of study but also in denigrating the contribution of the social sciences to economic growth and in neglecting the non-economic functions of education which are just as important to the well-being of individuals and of society at large .
12 Hourcade also saw as a second feature of Cubist painting the organization of the whole surface in terms of interpenetrating or interacting planes : ‘ The fascination of the paintings lies not only in the presentation of the main objects represented , but in the dynamism which emerges from the composition , a strange , disturbing dynamism , but one that is perfectly controlled . ’
13 Thus the diversity lies not only in the differences between people , the sitters , but also in different ways of photographing and in the varying contexts within which we encounter the image .
14 But the state of a country 's mental health lies not only in the fate of its hospital patients but also in the general condition of its people .
15 The value of computerized information retrieval lies not only in the in-depth storage and retrieval of information but in the opportunity for developing in-depth search strategies free from the restraints of searching a number of bibliographic tools for relevant information .
16 ICI 's strength in the polypropylene market lies not only in its manufacturing technology which enables it to produce materials specially adapted to customer 's needs but also in the integrated structure of Chemicals & Polymers Limited .
17 and erm justify long-term development needs not just in total , but by recognizing making a major contribution to total land use but also .
18 Above all , the extremely strong presumption against the legality of the use of nuclear weapons needs not only to be reaffirmed , but also made more specific .
19 For all these purposes he needs not only to be a good lawyer but to have business acumen and an intimate knowledge of the problems of the trade or industry in question .
20 One consents not only to actions but also to the holding of certain positions and to the imposition of duties and burdens .
21 They have been learning the in professional golf every shot counts and that in order to win , brilliance has not only to be attained , it has to be sustained .
22 I think that , and I know that members from the D S O board , many members excuse me , er agreed that there seems a need to be a more positive approach taken to save the schools and other organisations within the county council network , when considering erm , the uses of the D S O , the advantages that that has not only on the county council , but them as an individual school , college or whatever .
23 In the problem of consumption , therefore , urban sociology has not only at long last discovered an object of analysis ; it has helped identify one of the core questions of the modern age .
24 Whether the security could be upheld if the only ground for impeaching it was that Mrs. Duval had no independent advice has not really to be determined .
25 That this has not always to be the case in religion is demonstrated by religions like Buddhism and Hinduism where laughter plays a big part .
26 The sonnet stands not only as an account of some private instance but as a representative account of the pressures and inevitable containment of individuals by powerful forces outside their control .
27 The relationship between maternal age and infant mortality stands not only across countries and populations but also with passing time .
28 As April , ‘ the cruellest month ’ , brings renewed life , which is a renewal of pain and memories of destruction , so antithetically , this dust looks not only towards the grave , but also towards birth as the handful of fecundating dust sprinkled over those red rocks of Durkheim 's desert tribes .
29 In PCT the individual interacts not just with the world but with the world as he/she interprets it .
30 One of these , due to Wilson ( 1975 : 151 ) , will have to suffice here , and holds not just for truth-conditional semantics but for virtually any semantic theory independent of pragmatics .
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