Example sentences of "[vb -s] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It is in the fact that a golden thread methodology may be a two-stage operation that its potential value lies in relation to the issue of women .
2 The Social Work Department 's involvement with homelessness lies in relation to Community Care legislation .
3 However , the account goes further and this is what matters in relation to the study being dealt with in this book .
4 This stands in contrast to most consumer specialised magazine titles which have seen a fall in sales .
5 Gilroy , for example , has argued against catch-all terms like ‘ Black ’ , ‘ Asian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ which imply homogeneous groups of people whose culture and way of life stands in contrast to some white norm ( Gilroy , 1990 ) .
6 The behaviour of the platinum complexes stands in contrast to DNA-targeting of alkylating groups by intercalating chromophores .
7 He stands in contrast to those prelates of his day , often trained in theology , who shunned close involvement in secular government and even openly opposed royal policies .
8 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
9 Recognising that this stands in contradiction to the statements contained in the terms and conditions of engagement which they offer their casual workers , some organisations seek to make it clear that they are no more than " collecting agents for the revenue " .
10 As a building , it stands in testimony to the skills and industry of those who contributed in so many ways to its design , construction and furnishing .
11 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
12 Now the fact that position is not a quality is certainly relevant to one 's awareness of the position of things ; it means that to be aware of a thing 's position it is logically necessary that one should be aware of how it stands in relation to something else .
13 But it is not relevant to a thing 's having the position it has ; it does not mean , for example , that to have the position it has , a thing must be aware of how it stands in relation to something else .
14 The aim of the exhibition is to show the quality and variety of Jordaens 's work and to reassess where he stands in relation to Rubens , by whom he has always been overshadowed .
15 This calls for an act of the imagination , in foreseeing the ways in which the enquiry is likely to develop , the types of information necessary , the reading ages and levels of attainment of the students in relation to what is currently available , and the weaknesses of the collection as it stands in relation to this analysis .
16 The last is of interest to parents who wish to know where their child stands in relation to others of about the same age and also , at various levels of aggregation , to teachers , heads , LEAs , the Government and the wider community .
17 TGAT 's second reason for a marking scale — ‘ establishing where the child stands in relation to others ’ — is at the root of the matter .
18 It is not now plain that molecular biology stands in relation to all the life sciences as atomic theory does to the physical sciences ?
19 The initial verb + noun phrase combination shows in essence a property word extended by an entity word , and it therefore remains a ( complex ) property ; the adjective then further extends this property ; but because it is an adjective rather than an adverb , its own property is understood as applicable to the entity identified by the noun phrase , with the important reservation , demanded by the intensional structure , that it will not be applied to it unconditionally but only insofar as that entity stands in relation to the verb which accompanies it .
20 The theory of communicative action is perhaps the crucial and radical component in Habermas 's work but it is not a discrete theory ; it develops in response to a number of problems both theoretical and empirical raised in a variety of contexts .
21 For Klein , it is the defensive mechanisms the child develops in response to its sense of anxiety which form the basic building blocks of ego development .
22 That gastric metaplasia develops in response to acid hypersecretion has been found both experimentally and in human studies .
23 This arrangement can become part of a reproductive grouping , but it is also frequently observed in non-breeding groups , where a hierarchy develops in relation to food sources .
24 One important issue illuminated by the analysis is the manner in which ‘ syntactic complexity ’ in a creole language develops in relation to the expanding discourse needs of its users .
25 Although the term , delta , was originally derived from the Greek letter which approximates in shape to the Nile delta , it is generally used with a wider range of meanings today .
26 The second prong of the attack is reduced rates for the GEC Plessey Rabbit phone , which drops in price to £69 from £127.65 , and the Rabbit Recall package ( including the park and charge unit ) , which goes to £100 from £177 .
27 And just as everybody who looked to that serpent on the pole was healed , so I am gon na be lifted up on a cross and everybody who looks in faith to me , and in obedience receives my gift of forgiveness , they will be saved !
28 It is known in Australia as the Australian White and was first exported there in 1958 ( heifers in calf to a White Galloway ) ; it is one of the basic breeds within the Mandalong Special .
29 This , it will be argued , corresponds in fact to the way allow ( and also permit ) represent permission , a way of viewing this notion which calls for the use of to before the infinitive .
30 I assure my hon. Friend that we look forward to receiving any further written representations that he has in addition to the cogent case that he has put before the House today .
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