Example sentences of "[vb -s] the same [num] " in BNC.

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1 Whitaker , the European champion , rides the same three horses as last year — Next Milton , Gammon and Hopscotch .
2 And that has the same two meanings really , wind and breath .
3 The alternative version has the same two properties together making up a property complex that is applied to the immediately adjacent subject of the sentence ; moreover in both cases the complex as a whole is assigned syntactically to the subject E ; the sole difference is in the matter of which property is taken as " senior " to the other within the bounds of the complex , as in ( 63 ) , and in such a case this will produce an infinitesimal semantic difference : ( 63 ) However this sort of syntactic trading is only possible where the language contains suitable lexical items ; it must have an adverb and verb with the appropriate meanings ; thus , in the absence of an adverb equivalent to after a change and a verb meaning to be orange , for instance , English can not offer such an alternative for ( 64 ) : ( 64 ) in spring , their skin turns orange 5.8 The range of verbs which can occur with postverbal adjectives is in fact quite wide .
4 He wears the same sixty quid sweatshirt and Nike Air to school every day .
5 It is knitted from the graph shown and slips the same two needles for 16 rows .
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