Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Poor child , it 's terrible that she loves me so much . ’
2 ‘ It 's because she loves me so much that I just ca n't hurt her .
3 Sexism rarely manifests itself so grotesquely as in the cohabitation rule , and hostility to it among feminists is virtually unanimous .
4 His manner of playing the piano has something so basically individual about it , and at the same time so masterly , that he may really be described as the perfect virtuoso . ’
5 ‘ She 's such a darling , Guy , and Charles loves her so much … ’
6 He loves her so much and what 's he going through now she has told him she has a child by another man ? ’
7 Because she loves her so much .
8 The thing that sustains it so well , if you do n't mind my saying , is its radio sense of priorities : clear questions ; answers to the point ; any space between probed briskly .
9 Correctly named Limnanthes douglasii , the seed is readily available and , when conditions suit , it seeds itself so readily that it becomes self-perpetuating and can even become invasive .
10 I attempted desperately to convince myself that what I was experiencing was just a particularly cruel and hateful dream concocted by some part of my mind determined to exact due penalty from my conscience for my having behaved with such despicable lack of grace during the holidays … but failed utterly ; my sub-conscious ' stock of nightmare-paradigms includes nothing so banally twisted as Gav .
11 I , i it used to be something I put up with when I was younger , now , if my parents come to visit I ask them to smoke in the corridor , go out of the door , open a window , something , because I found it affects me so badly !
12 Exact Nature ! which designs and makes both plants and animals so carefully — each animal with precisely the amount and type of intelligence it needs to survive — and then squanders them so carelessly .
13 Relax deeply , then imagine yourself curled up inside a dark cocoon , which envelops you so closely that you can barely breathe .
14 It is important that this potentially very valuable approach safeguards itself so far as possible against misinterpretation : in particular , that the content of religious belief does not really matter , that knowledge of religious tradition is unimportant , and that any opinions and beliefs are acceptable so long as they are sincerely held .
15 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
16 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
17 I get a tremendous kick from the creative aspect of life , and I think it is this that keeps me so well and full of vitality . ’
18 A certain amount could be sampled , so the keyboard can do that , but that only takes you so far .
19 It is a paradox that such a gun-conscious and violent society conducts itself so decorously at its summer game .
20 It 's not the buying them that 's cunning , it 's just that I ca n't help being grateful ( I did n't actually say I was grateful , but I was n't sharp ) , it 's that he presents them so humbly , with such an air of please-don't-thank-me and I-deserve-it-all .
21 The right hon. Member , who opposes everything so vehemently , has very little credibility left on this subject .
22 It naturalises itself so easily that it almost becomes a weed .
23 Irenaeus puts it so splendidly : ‘ He became human that we might become divine . ’
24 As the ARCIC I statement on Eucharistic doctrine puts it so well :
25 Gerard Manley Hopkins ' great poem ‘ God 's Grandeur ’ puts it so well :
26 To the right of our view , the lawn sloped up a gentle embankment to where the summerhouse stood , and it was there my father ’ s figure could by seen , pacing slowly with an air of preoccupation — indeed , as Miss Kenton puts it so well , ‘ as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there ’ .
27 Budgie likes them so much he 's slipped Siouxsie 's leash and is playing drums , Sarah Lee ( ex-Gang of Four ) is on bass , with a fiddler and cellist augmenting the intricate acoustic melodies .
28 I suppose that 's why the Prince likes them so much .
29 Roses , I think , as he likes them so much .
30 He likes them so much he even looks forward to being stuck at roadworks .
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