Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ask yourself the question , ‘ Is it my desire , my greed , my wish to be in control that drives me in this matter , or do I feel the lightness of purpose that is a mark of the guidance from within ? ’
2 No doubt my readers will have bigger and better examples of the persistence of facies which so fascinates me in this chapter , but I write as far as possible from my own experience .
3 This involves me in some paperwork , which , however tedious …
4 It is evident that the expertise and contacts Grampian companies have developed through supplying the North Sea oil industry stands them in good stead to take advantage of oil related opportunities in the Middle East .
5 The balance sheets of public sector organizations are not relevant for making judgements about creditworthiness anyway , so the consolidation adds nothing in this respect .
6 As for the case made against the versions in the Classic Anthology — that by using rhyme they align themselves with the closed poetry of print and not with the open poetry of the speaking breath — the obvious retort is that , although in these poems Pound often rhymes , he writes them in free verse , and in a free verse where the syllables are weighed , and the varying pace controlled , as scrupulously as in anything else he has written .
7 The ferret 's function is to frighten the rabbits so that they bolt out of the holes or to force them to retreat through the burrow system until they become cornered so that they can be dug out while the ferret holds them in that fixed position .
8 If you want children now , and he wants them in five years , or you want two and he wants six , you can probably reach a compromise .
9 [ This is why ] … the examination of the social and , moreover , irrational and blind system from the viewpoint of its equilibrium , has nothing in common … with harmonia praestabilitata .
10 You are good at expressing yourself , which stands you in good stead if you want to ask someone to do you a favour .
11 ‘ Ay , it 's where an ignorance of good book-keeping stands you in good stead . ’
12 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
13 One of the points on the sense-spectrum presented above — and this is typical of the metaphorical variety — has a special status , which manifests itself in two principal ways .
14 The methodological criterion on which our own study must be based is the following ; that the supremacy of a social group manifests itself in two ways , as ‘ domination ’ and as ‘ intellectual and moral leadership ’ .
15 The very nature of deafness and the subsequent difficulty in defining the term ‘ deaf ’ , the way it manifests itself in disrupted communication , the history and structure of deaf education and the size of the deaf population , have traditionally given deafness a high profile within special education .
16 This manifests itself in various ways .
17 It manifests itself in certain physical , professional and institutional forms : rooms , buildings , posts , chairs , departments , associations , journals , conferences , and so on .
18 This variation in form manifests itself in different ways , depending on the language .
19 It manifests itself in different ways in different types or organizations .
20 Through observation of his own case , he became convinced that chronic muscle tension — a result of life 's physical and emotional stresses — which overlays and destroys natural poise we have as tiny children , and manifests itself in hunched shoulders , clenched jaws , a slouched or twisted spine , with , as often as not , the head held to one side , could not but interfere with the efficient functioning of the body , restricting breathing , circulation and digestion .
21 Institutionalised racism manifests itself in insensitive service provision in health and social services , with barriers around language , the pattern of family names and vocabulary .
22 Their conclusions may be summarized quite simply : there is no evidence to show that specific infant-care practices have an unvarying psychological effect on the child that manifests itself in later years .
23 The main cancer that affects AIDS sufferers is Kaposi 's sarcoma , not previously noted among white young menthe average age of the victims is 35 — which manifests itself in purplish spots that neither itch nor hurt but do n't clear up .
24 The use of collage , together with the irregular rhythms and lurching harmonies , may signify ‘ in the unconscious ’ ( which often manifests itself in irrational jumbles of material ) .
25 Rulfo 's oral style — which manifests itself in this novel and in the stories of The Burning Plain , in the frequent repetition of words and phrases , in a manner typical of the backtracking of oral narrative — is , of course , much more than a formal device , for its function is to take us inside the world of a rural peasantry whose cultural tradition is non-literate .
26 Egocentrism manifests itself in communicative terms as an inability to take account of another 's point of view ; instead , the world is seen rigidly from the standpoint of the self .
27 Do n't be surprised if your grief manifests itself in unexpected ways .
28 Thru is ‘ deconstructionist ’ in the additional sense that it places itself in multiple positions within the field of literary discourse .
29 Our second introductory case places you in this situation .
30 Each of these labels indicates an aspect of study that has something in common , and our use of ‘ information skills ’ includes some parts of all of them ‘ ( p 11 ) .
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