Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He certainly has none at Cheltenham , which is what it is all about today .
2 Especially now that his grandfather is no longer as robust as he once was , and needs him at Arrancay . ’
3 He meets me at Heathrow .
4 It is Gina who meets you at La Sabina and arranges your cab to your holiday home or your hire car .
5 When his wife ( Pat Heywood ) meets him at John o' Groats , they do not speak at all or , if they do , we can not hear them as if they were already far away .
6 Harvey Thorneycroft , Hunter 's Northampton colleague , replaces him at Leicester , and there is a change on the other wing caused by the withdrawal of French centre Franck Mesnel with a twisted knee .
7 The official guide starts the walk at Calenzana in the north and ends it at Conca , and most walkers tackle it that way .
8 From end to end , the curve of mountain wall which faces you occupies a full 180 degrees , and measures all but nine miles along the crest ; but even more than the width it is the depth that awes one at Gavarnie , because the cirque is very deep , with an average drop from crest to valley floor of 5,500 feet .
9 If you are lucky , you may even see Nancy Blackett at anchor among the little yachts and ancient barges and houseboats , although her present owner , Michael Rines , usually keeps her at Ipswich .
10 The Australian 's 61 off 69 balls , at a time when Tim Munton was making other batsmen jump , was of the highest quality and serves as a warning to other sides what awaits them at Chelmsford .
11 A gem of a country station awaits you at GOATHLAND complete with cast-iron footbridge and colourful gardens .
12 The Derry boss was in no doubt as to the task which awaits him at Tolka Park .
13 Harry takes the matchstick out of his mouth and points it at Howard .
14 Nic Parry produces it at Theatr Clwyd on Monday and Tuesday of next week .
15 It is not always easy to know who does what at Trinity Road or who to speak to on any requests or queries you may have .
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