Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Frost ai n't good for plants , it turns them black and kills them off if you ai n't careful , but I reckon grass must be OK .
2 I live in an area of high unemployment and it drives me mad when married mothers go back to work just to get out of the house .
3 Of Merovech he records nothing other than his supposed descent from Chlodio and that he was the father of Childeric .
4 Mario and Yoshi may please puzzle addicts , but offers nothing new and does n't push the NES 's capabilities in the slightest .
5 This renders them sterile and has resulted in their virtual elimination from the Southampton and Solent coastal waters .
6 I am sorry to observe so little Care taken of the Education of our Youth designed for the Sea , even such as have a Prospect of commanding Ships either in the Government or Merchant Service : The element in which they live renders them rough and boisterous which makes a little Education more necessary to give them an early Byass .
7 So they get thrown when faced with a canvas which represents nothing other than form or shape or colour and they get thrown because they have n't the vocabulary , it seems to them , to respond to it , and they feel the need to respond verbally .
8 And it worries me still that we , we ai n't shifting him enough er
9 The Scotch Whisky Industry recognises that there are people whose drinking causes them medical or social harm .
10 He wants them small and blonde but also to know their mullet from a mallet .
11 Because many prefabs have now been bulldozed English Heritage wants them listed and protected from redevelopment .
12 She needs someone solid and dependable , with their feet on the ground , someone strong enough to take her instability , her neurotic insecurity — ’
13 So Yarwell Tunnel has its mysterious and macabre secrets , sharing with some these facets and leaving an indelible memory in the mind .
14 If one thinks dialectically , so Hegel believed , it was possible , for the it was possible , he had done it , it 's set out in the Encyclopedia , his Encyclopedia , to see the whole system of reality as one articulated , logical system in which everything has its orderly and appointed place .
15 Emma Johnson was eager to point out that while the concerto has its inward and reflective side , it also offers scope in a purely virtuosic sense as well .
16 If your lord has her safe and sound , he is entitled to the prayers of all the brothers of Shrewsbury , and of half Wales into the bargain . ’
17 Then she dresses her lovely as well .
18 You may not see a great deal of your creative team — many agencies take the quite reasonable view that the creative people should be busy making advertisements , not chatting up clients , and in one or two like Collett Dickinson & Pearce , the creative department holds itself superior and aloof and deals with clients only through its emissaries , the account executives .
19 ‘ Your old friend Newbegin wants you dead and out of the way . ’
20 His vigour , nowadays , contains something savage and tasteless .
21 Following the Oxford Dictionary , which is here a more lucid guide than my more abstruse colleagues , we can say that a symbol signifies something other than or complementary to itself ; it can therefore be used to represent , express , or image things which are external to it but to which it is linked in an appropriate fashion .
22 It is a curious blend of delicacy and crudity and has something rough and barbarian about it .
23 Whatever our working situation , whether we view ourselves as being in a position of unique privilege or even perhaps severe disadvantage , Paul has something fundamental and life-changing to say to us in terms of principle and practical application .
24 Guttering is usually supplied in 2m lengths , so each length needs one joint and one ( or two ) support brackets .
25 King Lear stems from the gaudy fictions of Geoffrey of Monmouth , laughed at in Farmer Giles , and yet it contains one ancient and resonant line in the mad scene of ‘ poor Tom ’ :
26 I looks rather good and each shelf holds one full-size or two half-size trays .
27 The delicate flavour of the English new season lamb needs something light and fruity , says Ashworth , recommending a red burgundy 1986 Aloxe-Corton .
28 Despite the shortcomings compared to CD-I , at the time of writing CDTV has one major and unanswerable advantage .
29 Mind you , I do have a relative who has one tried and tested way of getting rid of his junk mail .
30 And no sooner has he drunk than he is cured .
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