Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] it the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If one thinks about it the President makes an ideal stalking horse .
2 However , although these five writers belonged to a minority group in their society , and although they say that their experience derives from a source greater than human reason can comprehend , they are fired with a certainty that it is intimately related to the deepest needs and purposes of human being , and has about it the simple inevitability of fulfilment .
3 Certainly get looks like it the sun 's going in .
4 If you look at a department like the Director and Engineers department , every letter in fact has underneath it the City Engineer , even if its signed by somebody else .
5 When life gets more interesting one is more responsive , more aware of one 's surroundings and what one is doing ; his answer , inarticulate as it may be , has behind it the authority of ‘ Be aware ’ .
6 ‘ Look how much better the Lilliputians do it ’ , is a tempting cry , but the more one looks into it the more one finds that the Lilliputians are n't a fair comparison with us : they have n't got our antiquated industries … our legal system ; and they are less than six inches tall .
7 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
8 ‘ An essential characteristic of cyclical behaviour is not only that expansion and contraction follow each other , but that each phase of the cycle contains within it the seeds to generate the succeeding phase ’ ( R. Levacic , Macroeconomics ) .
9 The human being has within it the physical and mental capacity to do this , and must accept that there is no alternative way for it to be done .
10 And they have argued that , whilst feminism should indeed always have a critical relationship to psychoanalytic theory , the latter has within it the potential for allowing a better understanding of the complexities of human desires and of the psychological construction of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ .
11 ‘ People have a tendency to present their messages as a new problem … rather than as something which has within it the elements of a solution . ’
12 An association of the deaf , powerful in its members and unity , has before it the greatness of things to be done .
13 We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible , absolutely impossible , to explain in any classical way , and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics .
14 But the second is surely contradicted by the first ; especially if one adds to it the sympathetic view he evinces of the widow 's plight .
15 He says without it the war would have gone on for many more years .
16 On the other hand , if anyone abstains but no-one votes against it the motion is passed nem. con. — with no-one contradicting .
17 ‘ But it 's the primary school which deals with it the Monday after selection .
18 Another might be attracted to it because he sees in it the possibility of calendar reform .
19 This requires a sensitive , exploratory approach which validates the user/carer perspective but integrates with it the knowledge and skills of the practitioner .
20 The more History attempts to transcend its own rootedness in historicity , and the greater the efforts it makes to attain , beyond the historical relativity of its origin and its choices , the sphere of universality , the more clearly it bears the marks of its historical birth , and the more evidently there appears through it the history of which it is itself a part … inversely , the more it accepts its relativity , and the more deeply it sinks into the movement it shares with what it is recounting , then the more it tends to the slenderness of the narrative , and all the positive content it obtained for itself through the human sciences is dissipated .
21 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
22 The fact that it is transcendent confers on it the boon that its enduring is not dependent on appearances but on mental factors .
23 Sir : I am sorry that John Torode ( 3 October ) found the Salman Rushdie seminar ‘ dispiriting ’ , and even more sorry that he perceives in it the birth of a ‘ dangerously illiberal orthodoxy ’ .
24 Another strategy is to jam the re-uptake system open , so that dopamine flows through it the wrong way all the time , keeping the gap suffused with the neurotransmitter .
25 ‘ Nothing ever comes of it the first time , anyway , ’ Mandy assured her .
26 This brings with it the corollary that it is not always apparent whether the beliefs he expresses are Ackroyd 's or those of the writer to whom he is exposed , or both .
27 Those who believe that the growth of planned economy brings with it the possibility ( on the narrow basis of the dying out of the law of value ) of acting just as one pleases , do not understand the ABC of economic science .
28 They stated : ‘ When manifesting in the physical world it brings with it the forces of attraction and repulsion and moves in a curved path or spiral . ’
29 Ancient Hindu tradition says that this life force , known as Sakti or the ‘ energy of the gods ; , materialises in the form of a spiral and brings with it the forces of attraction and repulsion .
30 The Group 's responsibility for site-specific geophysical surveys brings with it the parallel responsibility for databasing the considerable archive of material from surveys of this kind made over the 40 years since the Geophysics Department was set up in the former Geological Survey of Great Britain .
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