Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Like , I 'm sure that child 's seen enough policemen in the past few weeks , you do n't know what goes through kids ' minds .
2 This stands for Days ' Sales Outstanding .
3 Rawls often writes of individuals ' conceptions of the good as if they are their views of the good life for themselves .
4 Is not the essential difference between Government policies and those of the Opposition that the Government 's prime concern lies with patients ' interests , while Opposition Members ' prime concern is to keep happy the unions that pay and sponsor them ?
5 Chapter 6 examines the way in which studying physics interacts with students ' sense of identity , and looks at how this differs for male and female students .
6 It lies in prisoners ' peculiar vulnerability .
7 Kenny 's Blackburn Magic ( PolyGram Video ) might more suitably be titled The Alan Shearer Show , so much does the prolific England striker dominate this one-hour collection of match highlights from Rovers ' barnstorming entry into the Premier League .
8 On the other hand , providing a false diagnosis adds to patients ' disability , reinforces maladaptive behaviour , and ensures that what might have been a brief illness becomes refractory to treatment .
9 The lack of fully operational IPPs , which could have provided a safeguard against inconsistency , adds to workers ' anxiety that Elizabeth and Helen are being let down .
10 Your mag , like similar productions , panders to guitarists ' obsession with their playing ability and the equipment they use .
11 The next section looks at respondents ' views of the care given to people in residential and nursing homes and the conditions there .
12 This chapter has offered a summary of what is more or less evident when one looks at teachers ' lives today .
13 A substantial chapter on deixis occurs in Levinson 's Pragmatics ( 1983 ) , and still the most thorough analysis occurs in Lyons ' Semantics : Volume 2 ( 1977 ) .
14 As far as I know , the first actual record of an objective mechanical test , which had results of practical consequence , occurs in Pepys ' diary for 4 June 1662 .
15 The Australian & Oversees Telecommunications Corp has come up with a novel scheme to motivate its staff : alongside an immediate pay award of 3% and the prospect of a 5% over the next 18 months the company has promised $340 for each of 70,000 of its workers , the payment of which depends on customers ' rating of the service which they receive ; surveys will determine what proportion of customers are satisfied with billing , connections and fault-finding .
16 In turn , they will be able to buy only if they can raise the money to bid , which depends on investors ' assessment of the risk and likely return .
17 We could not classify patients into Kraemer et al 's group A or B , since this grouping depends on relatives ' naevus status ; not all patients could bring first-degree relatives for examination , and their opinions of relatives ' naevus status were unreliable in those who could be examined .
18 The efficacy of speed limits thus depends on drivers ' self-discipline , but this is known to be lax , particularly as modern cars are neither designed nor advertised to encourage low-speed driving .
19 Because the method depends on Stokes ' Law the dynamic viscosity of the water is important .
20 I can assure readers that particular problem will not happen again , all parties involved will be contacted throughout the distribution process until it arrives at members ' addresses .
21 This part of the survey deals with teachers ' attitudes towards SSE generally , and is not therefore restricted in its application only to that minority of Solihull secondary teachers who have actually seen the booklet .
22 Another important statute , the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , which deals with manufacturers ' liability is also considered later ( chapter 9 ) .
23 ( a ) 25% to 50% of library users use the catalogue ; ( b ) students account for the greatest proportion of the user population ; ( c ) the catalogue is used predominantly for known-item searching and use increases with users ' educational level ; ( d ) public library users do more subject searching than academic library users .
24 A rise in money supply equals the PSBR minus sales of public-sector debt to the non-bank private sector , plus banks ' lending to the private sector ( less increases in banks ' capital ) , plus inflows of money from abroad .
25 In contrast to the predominant tradition of writing that concentrates on teachers ' professionalism , Connell examines teachers ' labour as work .
26 If it begins from the assumption of difference and then adduces literacy as the explanation , the argument is open to the same criticism that Goody himself levels at Lévi-Strauss ' dualism ; if , on the other hand , it begins from the assumption that literacy is the crucial source of difference and that the mental differences follow from this , then it is beginning from the very assumption that it claims to be setting out to prove .
27 It is often said , and rightly , that a lot of thought goes into defendants ' rights , but not enough into victims ' rights .
28 Also announced was LattisCell Connection Management System , connection and network management software for switched and permanent virtual circuits , and LattisCell Asynchronous Transfer Mode Management Application 1.0 , an Asynchronous Transfer Mode management system that integrates into SynOptics ' Optivity network management system .
29 David Rosser of Ammanford , Dyfed , carries a small water pistol that he squirts into dogs ' eyes , and also confesses to bombarding them with small pebbles .
30 Jeremy Hunt ( see page 54 ) delves into breeders ' claims and the basic differences between the Dutch and French types and the latest Belgian Beltex variant which has literally ‘ muscled in ’ to complicate the commercial flockmaster 's choice .
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