Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our author is aware of these objections but , even though Christ plays little part in his religious vision , he does find a contemplative exemplar in the gospels in the story of Martha and Mary .
2 Yet , it plays little part in standard accounts of the history of English before about 1600 , and in ME stop-deleted forms ( such as bes , lan : ‘ best , land ’ ) are amongst the forms that are typically corrected by textual editors as errors .
3 The 1633 ‘ Uyttenbogaert ’ fits that bill with the additional advantages of being both a representation of an important figure in Dutch religious history ( although the Rijksmuseum already has a portrait of him by Rembrandt 's contemporary Jacob Backer ) and universally accepted as authentic by the members of the Rembrandt Research Project , some of whom are Rijksmuseum curators .
4 The downward arpeggio in the last two bars will obviously be given to the clarinet , for besides the fact that it fits that instrument like a glove , it does not lie within the range of any other wind instrument .
5 Emos Page and Time offers professional users of the Word Perfect WP package the opportunity to increase revenue .
6 If she stays she is trapped in a marriage and lifestyle which offers scant prospect of achieving personal happiness .
7 The School also offers distance-learning courses for teachers of the visually impaired and of hearing-impaired people , and for teachers of children with speech and language disorders .
8 In the gut , the main symptom of candidiasis is said to be bloating and wind , because as the yeast ferments its food it produces prodigious quantities of carbon dioxide gas .
9 This involves combined action by hospital providers , who have fulfilled their contracts with a quarter of the year remaining , and general practitioners , who as a consequence are unable to obtain hospital treatment for their patients , to put pressure on health authorities to increase the resources available to acute services .
10 In Amazonia , flies pollinate flowers of species of Aristolochia ( Aristolochiaceae ) and some orchids , and midges pollinate cocoa , in the decaying fruits of which they breed .
11 such Party supplies technical information to the agent or contractor on suitable conditions of confidentiality .
12 The tonsuring of Osred at York could suggest that he did not enjoy the support of Archbishop Eanbald , whereas the likelihood that Deira was the power-base of Aethelred receives strong support from the records for his second reign .
13 The Tomb of the Scipios , the ruins of which still survive by the Via Appia south of Rome , offers ample evidence of the early and long-lasting adoption of Greek values by this noble Roman family .
14 Most towns have a former industrial area close to the centre — it may be a railway goods yard , cattle market or former brewery — which offers ample space for car-parking as well as large areas for shops .
15 Companion stuff from the new album — a gloriously lolloping ‘ Step It Up ’ , the pre-packed next single ‘ Ground Level ’ — rubs slick shoulder with pre-acceptance vintage like ‘ Lost In Music ’ , and the show goes on and on until people are dripping off the walls , and the last kind of urban excitement we need is a joke security alert on Charing Cross Road , which means we are all shepherded out of the Marquee 's tradesmen 's entrances like nuisances , sticking to each other and sapped of claustrophobic dancenergy .
16 And the Yucatan Canal is the waterway that separates that bit from
17 They may concentrate on car phones , or only offer short term rental facilities : British Airways , for example , offers mobile phones for hire and use within airports .
18 Whilst in practice day to day supervision may rest with a single partner or small committee of partners , the rule imposes professional responsibility on every member of a firm to see that each one of its offices is properly supervised .
19 The one who rides that horse of his like a madman .
20 A dirge in which old Gedgey , the man who I , the great power-crazed bone-eating Svengali of indie-pop , reinvented , goes bloody man in the erm , bloody mad bits .
21 This scheme evokes strong doubts from some area officers and bureaux managers who may not have been among those who carried the vote to accept the plans .
22 Another possible way of controlling colonic pressures is through 5-HT 3 antagonists such as odansentron , a compound that slows colonic transit in normal sucjects .
23 The development of ‘ platform-independent ’ software for databases , knowledge-based systems , and hypertext , offers possible solutions to the storage problems , but the interface problems , being subjective , may be much harder to solve .
24 Sitting close , they threw back their heads and swayed ecstatically , a performance that precedes each shuffle on — or off — the egg .
25 THE ALBUM offers 70 minutes of Consolidated studio beats , mass production hip-hop honed into diamond-hard shapes by Jack Dangers ' mixing , broken by snippets of Consolidated versus several audiences .
26 Performance in accordance with such directions constitutes due performance by LCH .
27 It is a history which quite quickly produces that excess of difference which discredits the theory which ignored it but which also questions the theoretically facile celebration of difference per se .
28 This produces that variety of note-successions so typical of the total-chromatic usage of serialism ( Example 140 ) : This exercise has been written in such a way as to reveal the considerable difficulty which inevitably occurs when using several serial forms at the same time .
29 What turns political policies into vote-winners is their ability to affect the lives of large numbers of people in an important way .
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