Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] the time " in BNC.

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1 Erm not up to visitors , ma erm , sh she has limited the times she 's visited because she 's got the children , and he 's just really not able to stand the children
2 The difference with this baby is that he himself has selected the time at which he will display the pattern , rather than having it imposed on him by a mother 's pattern of giving care .
3 As expected , Tadpole Technology plc , the UK company that took itself off to Austin , Texas , and came up with the first notebook computer based on Sun Microsystems Inc 's Sparc RISC chip and Unix , has decided the time is right to bring its Sparcbook 1 back to Europe ( UX No 371 ) .
4 Sam , about 16 months old , has had the time of his life with Peter .
5 Before the visitor has had the time to see the baptistery ruins , the plaques or the crucifix he will have spent time near the door .
6 That now does useful work , powering a pneumatic grease gun , a tool that Mr Tomlinson says has halved the time it takes to grease up the Mengele forager each morning .
7 He lost his hair through chemotherapy treatment and has spent the time since recovering from the disease , which spread to his lungs .
8 ( J. R. N. Lazier , manuscript in preparation ) has updated the time series of ref. 3 of temperature on the density surface from which we have inferred salinity ( Fig. 2 a ) .
9 A COMPUTER system introduced by Japan 's Ministry of Health has cut the time taken to match a kidney donor with the most suitable recipient from several hours to three minutes .
10 They immediately brighten , become more animated and are often quite grateful that someone has taken the time to listen to them .
11 Statistical comparisons with previous periods indicate that he has extended the time for supplementary questioning on ministerial statements and on Private Notice Questions and this has enabled more Members to be called .
12 That relieved me from the embarrassment of having to ask for it in front of the stoical poker-faced brigade of women who often assembled in the shop in their curlers and headsquares to pass the time of day .
13 This requires choosing the time to switch from the near to the next near contract , and how to adjust for any differences in price level between the near and the next near contracts .
14 This concept , brilliantly and amusingly elucidated in book of that name published the previous year by Professor C. Northcote Parkinson , stated : ‘ Work expands to fill the time available for its completion . ’
15 Parkinson 's Law states that ‘ work expands to fill the time available ’ .
16 ‘ Housewifery expands to fill the time available ’ — this principle was discovered by Betty Friedan in her 1950s tour of American suburbia .
17 Cyril Northcote Parkinson , prolific author and inventor of Parkinson 's Law — which holds that all work expands to fill the time available for its completion — has died , aged 83 .
18 It helps to pass the time .
19 Early discussion with the authority 's officers to see exactly what information they require with the application , as well as to ensure that the proposed development is basically acceptable to the authority obviously helps to reduce the time needed .
20 Well , it helps pass the time .
21 A final method of curtailing debate arises under Standing Order No. 22 which authorises the Speaker or a chairman to stop a Member who seeks to waste the time of the House by tediously repeating himself .
22 The man continues to read the Times and dust his suit .
23 He 's got the times six o'clock
24 At the same time he has no political authority , er , representing as it were the British government , he 's just an individual of stature , and he 's got the time and the energy to do it .
25 When when he has got when he 's got the time to go to , I do n't know where he gets them , he does n't get them at Marble Arch Marks I think .
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