Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] on in " in BNC.

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1 Medical experts are surprised at the speed at which the latest flu virus has caught on in Scotland .
3 Son Pardo has come on in leaps and bounds since finishing fifth on his debut at Newmarket on 2,000 Guineas day .
4 With the introduction of carbon fibre , rod development has come on in leaps and bounds .
5 The young members section has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years .
6 ‘ He 's technically a very good goalkeeper and he has come on in leaps and bounds in recent weeks , ’ he said .
7 He has come on in leaps and bounds this season .
8 Although the princess has returned to Britain the prince has stayed on in Hong Kong .
9 In the face of this central problem , the valuable work that has gone on in recent years in narratology , and other aspects of fictional form , is curiously difficult to apply in practice .
10 It would be absurd to adopt a rigidly determinist view of what has gone on in the formation of culturally transmitted marriage laws .
11 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
12 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
13 ‘ It is something which has gone on in this force for almost two years but has now reached epidemic proportions and something has to be done , ’ he declared .
14 The thing has gone on in a different way from previous years , and the outcome , as you 've observed , although the Liberal Democrats initially proposed spending at capping , they have gone down by half a million pounds .
15 I was thinking for instance in the context of Sri Lanka , where I was born , that there is n't a straight forward national liberation struggle , there are lots of problems such as militarism which the women 's movement has taken on in various ways and played a major part in combating .
16 Fortunately the Christian church is not dominated by theologians , but by the praying faithful , and the Divine Drama , although suffering numerous attacks and emendations , has lived on in popular spirituality and liturgy .
17 Coffee cup 's lifted on in the wrong place can it ?
18 I do n't see what 's wrong with frankly , she 's been through it all and she 's hung on in there
19 What 's gone on in the media these past six months does n't mean a thing .
20 At Chessington attendances pretty well stood still , again a very good performance in my view and er , justification for the capital spending that 's gone on in recent years to bring that er , to bring Chessington to where we want it to be .
21 And of course another very clear example of the overlap between domestic concerns and international concerns is Maastricht and the great debate that 's gone on in Britain about whether or not we should have agreed to the Maastricht Treaty .
22 erm Now , perhaps we come back to what can we do at this end , and I think Friends of the Earth has done an excellent job in bringing it to peoples ' attention that large areas of tropical forest are being destroyed at roughly the rate of 0.7 or 0.8 percent of the forest each year , erm and they , you know I 'm in agreement with them on the fact that forest is disappearing , it 's dangerous in many places , it 's catastrophic in some , for instance , particularly in West Africa , the clearing that 's gone on in the Ivory Coast is pretty disastrous , and erm there are indications that the West African strip of forest along the strip of the West African Coast by removing that you 're going to make not only that area slightly drier , but mainly the northern areas of those countries , and the drier , so it may well affect climate .
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