Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 But , in the language of social anthropology , " kinship " has very little to do with biology ; it refers rather to a widely ramifying pattern of named relationships which link together the individual members of a social system in a network .
2 There is no necessary link between tense and time ; it is likely in this instance that the use of the present tense is not restricted to a particular time ( which is the time of the utterance ) but refers rather to a " general " present .
3 Alison 's favours break down the boundaries of class ; any man who can lay her in his bed is like a lord , as Absolon says as he anticipates her kiss : Kolve 's interpretation of potentially religious images within the tale is fine as far as it goes , and can justly be quoted against the allegorizers , but there is at least one aspect of the tale that refers irreducibly to a moral frame within which the tale is set : recurrent swearing of oaths by " " Seint Thomas of Kent " " , which reminds us of the framing narrative with its realistic and morally symbolic journey towards Becket 's shrine in Canterbury and the judgement of the tale-telling game just as much as John 's calling upon St Frideswide locates the tale effectively within Oxford .
4 The tentative Taif agreement , on the other hand , sets no timetable for a total Syrian withdrawal and refers only to a pull-out from the Beirut area within two years .
5 It could be argued that Lewis 's poem refers only to a failure of etiquette .
6 Nevertheless , she still owes much to a male mentor who , in a previous job , told her : ‘ You can do it .
7 The development of fully-fledged headhunting firms owes much to a growing conflict of interest between different sectors of their business experienced by the management consultants and accountants who operated headhunting departments .
8 In the short term , the development of the British executive search industry owes much to a mixture of both demand and supply factors .
9 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
10 One suspects its high rating owes less to a fondness for social-democratic parties with close trade-union links than to a loose wish for economic efficiency plus social justice .
11 The modern stockman thus approximates more to a ‘ farm technician ’ than the old image of the ‘ farm labourer ’ .
12 Of course , no creative scientist holds rigidly to a fixed position in the light of new evidence , and only Kandel himself can say how far he has now moved beyond such earlier , campaigning reductionism .
13 ‘ Were you hoping to find that I am one of those fools who holds tightly to a title with no meaning ?
14 Their business , a factory making patio doors for the trade , was initially based in Newton Abbot because of economical site and labour costs ; now Peter Aldam looks forward to a mere 30-minute commute there along the soon-to-be finished A30 extension .
15 He concludes that the event demonstrates only the ‘ growing pains of a young republic ’ which ‘ after 5000 years of conquerors … looks forward to a prosperous and peaceful future . ’
16 Indeed the Director of Kenya 's Institute of Education looks forward to a time when a syllabus may be devised which , in addition to a national ‘ core ’ , has specific defined areas where programmes devised at district or local levels will be developed and implemented .
17 This looks forward to a future phase of professionalism .
18 British qualifications in public health medicine fully meet the requirements of the directives and the faculty looks forward to a time when the specialty will be formally recognised in all member states and not only in Britain , France , and Ireland .
19 It looks forward to a greater gift in the future while stressing a real gift in the present .
20 Doherty now looks forward to a quarter-final clash with Steve Davis .
21 Brian looks forward to a fresh challenge
22 Now with 10 years in top flight football behind him , he looks forward to a 32nd birthday in November as Northern Ireland wind up their World Cup campaign .
23 Then Jane goes away to a school called Lowood .
24 The manual alerts the teacher to the kinds of ‘ errors ’ children are most likely to make and emphasises that in the ‘ correct ’ drawing ‘ the front of the road occupies the whole width of the picture , and the distant end of it vanishes away to a point far back on the horizon ’ .
25 If there are no personal letters , my identity submits meekly to a brief dual eclipse , the first at eight-thirty and the second at noon .
26 She will twist your poor rich senile arm to pay you out , because you have an airy house on the hill , and she goes home to a room in the damp and humid valley .
27 In most houses , with what is called an indirect cold water supply , the rising main goes directly to a cold water cistern , typically situated in the loft ; in others , with a direct cold water supply , the supply for taps and fittings within the house is taken from the rising main itself .
28 It is not official information , it is better that it goes directly to a department that can deal with it .
29 With r = 0 , Equation ( ) becomes unc Hence if we choose co to make k1 zero , it will contain no contribution from x1 , and , as r increases sufficiently to a value s , ( ) will tend to unc The condition unc means that we can express one element of co in terms of the remaining n — 1 .
30 In the example of Rubik 's cube , we have looked at a substantial problem that leads naturally to a great deal of mathematics and uses many techniques of problem solving .
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