Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the very " in BNC.

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1 and after a time you know you say ha and you just because the lawyer for the other side always goes for the very worst scenario
2 HCI cares about the very young too .
3 This lies behind the very large number of habitual activities that make up the routines of ordinary day-to-day life .
4 The answer surely lies in the very curious political situation of early modern Scotland .
5 All of this helps us to realise that a great miracle lies in the very handing on of faith .
6 My Lords , the short answer to this lies in the very extensive powers which Lord Chetwode [ the settlor ] had over the assets of the settlement and so over the share capital of Attleborough .
7 No amount of reflection on first principles will stop a Christian from assuming that the morality demanded of women , which in Islam he judges to be imposed by the physically stronger sex in its own interests , is in his own religion true to the equality of the sexes before God ; not until women become conscious of and vocal about their own interests does he appreciate that the difference from Islam has from the very first been only one of degree .
8 Whatever one may think of its application to the particular case , there can be little doubt that Banfield has at the very least described in an ideal form a society in which thrift , enterprise , trust and cooperation are impossible , and therefore one in which political and economic development along liberal democratic and capitalist lines are grossly inhibited .
9 The need for user studies has been widely discussed in the past decade , and Chapter 4 of this book looks at the very considerable recent literature on the subject .
10 Why is it then , that this happens during the very next week to me , an experienced knitter ?
11 What really happens during the very early or late stages of the universe , when gravitational fields are so strong that quantum effects can not be ignored ?
12 Anyway back to main point , so up to retirement quite straightforward , no problem at all and this is why he could have gone on for donkey years without a return of income , his salary goes up of course , it 's picked up in the tax tables , his personal allowances do n't change so they could swan along there for so many years without even looking at his affairs , but then see what happens in the very next tax year , when he has n't had a return and may not get a return for a couple of years .
13 This process , which is of some antiquity , depends on the very low solubilities of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide .
14 One of the most promising techniques depends on the very accurate measurement of the sinkage of implants into bone .
15 Sometimes they approach language as if it expresses power relations and subjectivity directly , and originates from the very autonomous , fixed subjects whose existence they are challenging .
16 It is a trait she rarely sees in the very young .
17 It is the large percentage increases in the very elderly age groups which constitute the data used to create an almost ‘ moral panic ’ about population ageing .
18 Or it goes into the very cheap coffees here and erm and no er what do you call it , Kwik Save sell some coffee and chicory mixture , which is forty four pence for a jar .
19 The public events of his time leave little mark ; and , apart from occasional visits to London and Oxford and an account of a holiday in Cornwall , which is one of the diary 's tours de force , his record hardly strays outside the very narrow circumferences of rural Radnorshire and rural Wiltshire .
20 In white leather with turquoise and grey trim , the Axis 800 comes in sizes 6–11 and retails for the very competitive price of £34.99 .
21 This word spirit appears in the very first verse of the Bible , where it states that the Earth was without form and void .
22 The girl in fig. 69 is a kore , no different in dress or in formal structure from her sisters , and no one has doubted that it was before 480 that Euthydikos , whose name appears on the very simple base , dedicated her ; but she evidences a revolutionary change of spirit .
23 First , there is the lunch-break story ( though it is not entirely clear that this relates to the very last meeting : it might relate to 5 November ) .
24 A considerable proportion of the archive relates to the very extensive survey work carried out by BGS 's Applied Geophysics Unit for the Department of Trade and Industry 's Mineral Reconnaissance Programme in the 1970s , and the archiving has therefore been supported with both MRP and BGS funds .
25 Attempts to show human face of the hunt falls at the very first hurdle .
26 provide fast repairs to the very highest standards and
27 provide fast repairs to the very highest standards and
28 provide fast repairs to the very highest standards and
29 With the rulers of the eastern Saxons possibly free of subjection to Aethelred for the last ten years or more , their presence in Kent suggests a revival of eastern Saxon power and implies at the very least that Aethelred needed their assistance .
30 The biggest surprise comes from the very direct , dynamite-packed power lever .
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