Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pn reflx] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He snaps and frets and worries himself into a frenzy .
2 It was painful , beautiful and obscure , a not uncommon state of affairs when the creator also directs , gives a running commentary on the action and writes himself into the story at the end .
3 In relation to the Irish worker , he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland , thus strengthening their domination over himself .
4 JAMES THURBER 'S short story , ‘ The Catbird Seat ’ , tells of mild-mannered Mr Martin , who deliberately turns himself into a boor for one evening .
5 When she kisses him as a woman , he dies : she casts herself into the Fire , taking his body with her : and Holly seems to see her alive and radiant , a woman whose sins have been compounded .
6 At night , in true Italian fashion , the Lido transforms itself into a disco !
7 This juxtaposition of the myth of Athena growing a beard with the strategies Mira employs to bolster Willy 's ego points to the fact that in each case a female voice transforms itself into a voice men will trust .
8 The bed could either be a sofa bed or a studio couch with , perhaps , extra drawers underneath , or , in a smaller room , an armchair that transforms itself into a bed .
9 There 's even a flying snake , which flattens itself into an aerofoil and swims through the air like flying tagliatelle .
10 Total marketing and sales expenses increased as it turns itself into a market-driven company to $24.3m , up 45% .
11 The President of the National Assembly and former Prime Minister , Laurent Fabius , has spoken of ‘ the general crisis of politics … the malaise of a society which has lost all its landmarks translates itself into a suspicion of political parties and into a rise of anti-parliamentarianism ’ .
12 We are confident that IBM is indeed primarily interested in the morphing business even as it metamorphoses itself into a new and presumably reinvigorated enterprise .
13 My body gets itself into a state of refusal .
14 If the weaker goat gets itself into a position from which it can not escape , it may be gored , and indeed may be killed .
15 In all this , remember that the phenotypic effects of a gene are the tools by which it levers itself into the next generation .
16 The old man replies kindly , but says there is no mention of salvation in the Good Book ‘ for any but the sinful sons of Adam ’ — at which the lady gives a cry of despair and hurls herself into the sea .
17 A painter whose pictures record the atrocities of the past , he acts as his uncle 's conscience and it is partly due to him that Singer — at the height of his spivvy , flashy success - throws himself into a Hampstead pond .
18 Caledor throws himself into the sea rather than be captured .
19 Nicholas Dyer is imagined as the builder of Nicholas Hawksmoor 's churches in the East End of London ; the enlightened edifices of a rational Christianity are thereby ascribed to a devil-worshipper , while the name ‘ Hawksmoor ’ is assigned to the Detective Chief Superintendent who , in the later narrative , frets himself into a delirium over a series of stranglings which takes place in the vicinity of the churches .
20 She begins to scream and , running to the edge of the battlements , throws herself into the precipice .
21 He just settles himself into the cushion of the rear seat and waits for me to speak .
22 The drawing suggests how the thinker moves himself into the mind of the other person to see how things look from that viewpoint .
23 He steers himself into the current of warm air rising above the chandelier , and is carried effortlessly upwards , past floors where people are sitting at little tables and eating ice-cream out of metal goblets .
24 Yet when Cornwall pronounces him the new Earl of Gloucester , and orders him to seek his father out , Edmund has yet another layer of pretence at hand : Edmund 's perversion of such words as ‘ nature ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ , and ‘ blood ’ is grimly evident to us , but not to Cornwall — who may not understand those terms , in any case — and who now puts himself into the position of an adopted father to Edmund : ‘ I will lay trust upon thee ; and thou shalt find a dearer father in my love ’ ( 24f . ) .
25 The forms of lighthouses and boats , while almost toy-like in their basic simplicity , are developed internally in terms of a large number of planes or facets , and since the sky receives the same treatment , the painting resolves itself into a mass of small , shifting planes , jointed together or hanging behind each other in shallow depth .
26 When Goethe , in a scene of Faust I written in Rome , evokes the travail of modern man and shows it being assuaged by the contemplation of the " silver figures of the ancient world " ( der Vorwelt silberne Gestalten ) these shapes are the ideal models of Greek man which Winckelmann had set up in his historico-aesthetic studies ; and when , in his " classical " drama Iphigenia in Tauris , Goethe 's fervent heroine is eventually victorious and the play resolves itself into a serene and harmonious close , it is the spirit of Winckelmann that triumphs .
27 This question really resolves itself into a very specific one , which is this : How do individuals of subsequent generations ‘ inherit ’ the primal trauma and its consequences ?
28 An oily film on top of her cafe au lait resolves itself into the faint image of a face .
29 Eventually a time of fish will be landed so the intricate work of life moves itself into the most unlikely corners of our power stations .
30 This means , in effect , that each Alu sequence that inserts itself into the chromosomes carries with it the means to get out again and reinsert itself somewhere else .
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