Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] made for " in BNC.

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1 Companies across the country will be subject to a uniform rate set by central government , although Mr Eggar is attempting to calm these fears by pointing out that a special case has been made for small firms .
2 Imaginative provision has been made for wheelchair-bound bird watchers at the Rutland Water Nature Reserve .
3 An allowance has been made for extra labour .
4 ‘ But the important thing at this stage is that the right decision has been made for the athletes .
5 An allowance has been made for the transfers you will not be taking , against the cost of the care hire .
6 To multiply human cells in tissue culture on the scale necessary presented considerable difficulties , but enough material has been made for a variety of clinical trials against many different viral diseases and certain cancers .
7 If you look , for example , at the case that has been made for the protection of the rainforest , you will find that it is peppered with every conceivable argument .
8 A second comparison has been made for the barn owl .
9 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
10 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
11 But when due allowance has been made for the very various functions of castles , as administrative and social as well as military centres , it remains true that they were formidable military weapons , and that some of the most remarkable technological advances of the twelfth century were made in the improvement of siege engines and of a castle 's defences .
12 No allowance has been made for variations in local water — but with a pH between 7 and 8 most bread-and-butter tropicals will survive .
13 Alan Charig , of London University , also says that no allowance has been made for differing life-spans or even the palatability of the different dead animals , nor for the robustness of fossilized skeletons , nor the latitude at which fossils have been found .
14 For many years now , legal provision has been made for the importation of workers for the harvesting of fruit and vegetables , there being very specific acknowledgement that this is something native-born Americans can not be persuaded in the necessary numbers to do .
15 No evening functions are planned and no request has been made for licensed facilities .
16 As the restaurant 's evening opening hours are 19.00 to 21.30 hours , no application has been made for a supper hour certificate or other extension .
17 It is true that since 1982 allowance has been made for inflation — indexation — when calculating capital gains generally ( and gains made before 1982 are no longer eligible for any tax ) .
18 And even after due allowance has been made for the undeniable fact , easily forgotten as it is , that literature is written by writers , and that writers are likely to be highly exceptional beings who actively prefer working alone , there is still something persuasively representative about the man in the play who would rather listen to a new recording of a favourite opera than to the problems of his neighbours and relatives .
19 In my view a good case has been made for the view that the learning processes involved in the formation of mating preference of humans have been subject to natural selection during the course of evolution .
20 Once allowance has been made for variations in cortical function it should then be possible to identify the function of the subcortical area .
21 Special provision has been made for handicapped access , and in addition the museum now boasts an auditorium , and greater accessibility to the reserve collections .
22 At this stage in their careers employees enjoy salaries which are about twice that received in their early twenties ( i.e. referring to their ‘ real ’ earnings when allowance has been made for inflation , etc . ) .
23 This refers to the increase in the volume of exports after allowance has been made for inflation ; it does not simply reflect the increased prices of goods .
24 No persuasive empirical case has been made for ascribing common psychological , intellectual or moral capacities or characteristics to individuals on the basis of skin colour or physiognomy .
25 In addition , they help to explain why it is that the average length of custody imposed by the higher courts is a historically proven index of prison population generally , once allowance has been made for changes in the level of recorded crime ( Home Office , 1956 ; but cf.
26 Affidavit evidence from the appellants , which ought to have been before the judge , has now been put before this court and an application has been made for leave to adduce this as additional evidence on the hearing of the appeal .
27 The majority of delegations have nevertheless said they are in favour of including such consequences within the scope of the law of contracts , but in order to take account of the opposition expressed provision has been made for any contracting state to enter a reservation on this matter : article 22(1) ( b ) .
28 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
29 The association between smoking and cervical neoplasia , however , remains after adjustment has been made for such sexual risk factors .
30 The same case has been made for social work .
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