Example sentences of "[vb -s] [been] do for " in BNC.

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1 If they 've asked for really impossible things , it means the whole siege has been done for publicity — and they 'll probably kill Liam whatever happens .
2 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
3 This is what has been done for ‘ pocket ’ LC TV .
4 This is especially valuable where a job has been done for a long time by the same person .
5 It will certainly not be possible to totally reconstruct all the streets of an area at a cost of up to DM 1 million/100m as has been done for single streets in the past ’
6 Angle has a plaque honouring its Fighter Command history and the same has been done for Pembroke Dock and its flying-boat squadrons .
7 Do you see what I mean , see most of this has been done for the convenience of the Quick Save Supermarkets on that er , I should say .
8 Well the only thing is that I hope that the next generation that is coming along now will appreciate what has been done for their generation because it took a long time for us to get what we wanted for our children and now with our grandchildren are coming along I hope the town will improve with their growth .
9 The first one has been done for you .
10 The first has been done for you .
11 Question 7 has been done for you .
12 In these the selection has been done for the trainer .
13 This works even better when you pre-tag the text so that when the document is read into the page makeup program all the basic work has been done for you .
14 Whilst no comparable analysis has been done for Wales , it is likely that the more developed parts of the country would show a similar trend .
15 This has been done for the Shell Better Britain Campaign 's excellent ‘ Getting Help ’ guide .
16 The bearer of this document , Agatha de Courcy , must be given every aid and assistance for what she has done has been done for the sake of the Crown and the good of our realm . ’
17 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
18 Much PCR work has been done for rotavirus , adenovirus , and other causes of diarrhoea .
19 In many cases some of the work has been done for you by previous scholars ; so , for example there is a book called Allusions in Ulysses ( which lists allusions made in James Joyce 's novel Ulysses ) .
20 ‘ We are so grateful for what has been done for Sheng . ’
21 So in fact , you 're daily planning has been done for you by somebody else .
22 Much of this work has been done for the larger national and international companies .
23 In a conventional world , the Chancellor would simply roll his forecasts forward as he has been doing for the past two years now .
24 ‘ The kennels failed health and safety standards , so they 're half finished — nothing 's been done for a year .
25 And I think kids should be encouraged to erm think about themselves rather than just tick boxes and I think er , er er a group of sentences down here written by the form teacher , by the subject teacher and the pupil erm , as it 's been done for about , for a few years , a good habit to get the kids into , erm especially as a record of achievement should start from year seven .
26 ‘ It seems that the establishment thinking is that if it 's been done for 175 years , it must be all right .
27 Well considering nothing 's been done for fifty year I suppose really
28 It 's been done for Venus and for Mercury about twenty years ago .
29 Well Dennis er Roger 's been doing for it for Leeds North West have n't you ?
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