Example sentences of "[vb -s] [that] all [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Every police force emphasises that all officers carry warrent cards and should produce them when asked .
2 a ‘ cross-curricular ’ view focuses on the school : it emphasises that all teachers ( of English and of other subjects ) have a responsibility to help children with the language demands of different subjects on the school curriculum : otherwise areas of the curriculum may be closed to them .
3 Indeed the 1986 UK Act specifies that all mammals , with the exception of birds and farm animals , are ‘ to be obtained only from designated breeding or supplying establishments ’ ( Schedule 2 ) .
4 Mott accepts that all hoteliers are governed by cost but emphasises that , as with most purchases , you get what you pay for .
5 For example , the extensive theory of review holds that all errors of law are jurisdictional .
6 Penrose has suggested that there is some physical principle ( ‘ cosmic censorship ’ ) which guarantees that all singularities lie safely within horizons .
7 For example , unlike Brazil , Myanmar insists that all multinationals ' currency dealings are at the official rate .
8 New legislation , which comes into force on May 18 , insists that all money-changers — be they high street banks , travel agents , hotels or specialist bureaux de change — display clearly their exchange rates and sometimes outrageous commission charges .
9 7.2 The Proprietor further agrees that all charges for carrying out the Proprietor 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Proprietor and shall be deductible from payments due to the Proprietor .
10 7.2 The Company further agrees that all charges for carrying out the author 's corrections additions or deletions in the preparation and reproduction of artwork apart from errors for which the Publisher or printer is responsible exceeding 10% ( ten per cent ) of the charge for preparation of such artwork shall be borne by the Company and shall be deductible from payments due to the Company .
11 asks that you send any details to him personally : , and says that all letters will be acknowledged .
12 Consumer Protection Act says that all goods must be safe , but the EC might interpret this as an unfair barrier to trade .
13 Tim Guldimann , head of economics and foreign policy in the Swiss science policy coordinating group , says that all sides suffer from the exclusion of Swiss researchers .
14 The hon. Gentleman says that all parts of the House take that view .
15 The MEC assumes that all students will continue for honours , if eligible , unless informed otherwise by the student .
16 This is not a useful approach , because it assumes that all forms of intelligence are of the same qualitative type .
17 Second , the training model assumes that all criteria are economic and unilinear , and rejects , by implication , the validity of social , cultural and indeed human concerns .
18 The thesis assumes that all enemies other than the Soviet Union will have second-rate weapons .
19 Firstly , Clark assumes that all substantives name such ‘ concepts ‘ : ‘ If I can learn a word for something , I must first have grasped that thing as something nameable , whether it be a tree , a cat , a word ’ ( 1982 : 46 ) .
20 This manual assumes that all readers are familiar with the basic concepts of the VAX/VMS operating system such as UIC , privileges etc .
21 The manual assumes that all readers are familiar with the basic concepts of LIFESPAN and the VAX/VMS operating system .
22 So , for example , s 24 assumes that all partners may take part in the management of the business , that no person can be introduced as a partner without the consent of all the existing ones , that all the partners are entitled to share equally in the capital and profits of the business and must contribute equally towards the losses sustained by the firm .
23 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
24 Despite what many people claim , however , Freud did not say that dream interpretation shows that all dreams have a sexual content .
25 On a basic level , it shows that all women are not the same .
26 While the consultant 's review shows that all countries are planning to increase their investment in these competitive edge systems over the next five years , the UK 's present level of spending ( as a percentage of the total ) is behind that in the US and Japan , as it was five years ago .
27 Guillaume ( 1984 : 120ff ) shows that all substantives , adjectives , adverbs and verbs are inherently predicative because they bring to mind a lexical notion which has to be said about something in order for the word to perform its function in discourse .
28 UNEP ( ibid. ) shows that all classes of cropland are predicted to increase in area up to the end of the millennium , but that large quantities of land ( most certainly concentrated in marginal environments ) will lose productive capacity .
29 In effect , such an order intends that all dissertations and papers will be submitted for vetting .
30 The Board desires that all lessons in physical exercise … should be thoroughly enjoyed by the children .
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