Example sentences of "[was/were] under the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was too early for me to be a Yuckie — the tabloid newspapers ' shorthand for the young city slickers who celebrated the end of a day 's trading with too much lager and then reverted to type as the football hooligans they really were under the skin .
2 It would seem many misunderstood the form and responded to the following points as if they were under the heading of organisation .
3 The lines of tethered animals were guarded by patrolling sentries , and even those long stretches were under the shelter of strips of fabric .
4 At the look on Charity 's face she added hastily , ‘ For heaven 's sake , you were under the blankets ! ’
5 Before their reforms all footmen , livery-porters , and under-butlers were under the master of the horse .
6 By mid-February only 47 thrifts had been closed or sold , another 300 were under the management of the Resolution Trust Corporation ( RTC ) and 200 more were expected to be taken over soon .
7 For the next 100 million years parts of it were under the sea and it was covered with layers of sandstone , then limestone , and swampy forests which were buried between layers of mud and sand .
8 By 1954 , about 1.5 million hectares were under the system , divided between nearly 170,000 farming families .
9 In terms of nursing homes , we do n't issue fire certificates anyway , we only issue certificates to offices , shops , building premises because they were under the Act , Hotels and Factories .
10 The ROK army had been occupied throughout the winter in containing guerrillas ; they were under the direction of North Korea and occasionally obtained arms supplies from the north , as with a recent arms shipment landed on the east coast , the bulk of which was confiscated before it could be used inland .
11 Here they were under the direction of Obergruppen-fuehrer Globocnik , the SS commander responsible for security in the area known as the Adriatic Littoral .
12 Stephen Pinnock and Lawrence Foster were under the protection of the British United Nations forces in Vitez , Bosnia , today , after more than a week in detention .
13 But the , I mean I came home and they were under the hedge they were n't going through but there 's a big piece of netting has come down and it needs erm stitching up and then it needs sewing , not sewing erm
14 Both needed time to develop their separate objectives and political identities — which , by the nature of their oppressions , were different , even though they both were under the umbrella of EOP .
15 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
16 Now I had never before tried to regress anyone to a time when they were under the influence of anaesthetic , but I decided to do so on this occasion .
17 Perhaps they were under the influence of drink ( 10:9 ) .
18 In detail , Russell proposed completely to disfranchise small boroughs of less than 2,000 inhabitants , most of which were under the influence of a particular local patron , and some of which , like Old Sarum , were green mounds or heaps of stone .
19 Although Rangers were under the cosh for most of the first half , they went into the interval with the lead they refused to relinquish .
20 When we were under the cosh with 10 men he really buckled under .
21 Experiments like those done in France on the velocity of light , by Fizeau and Foucault , and in Britain by Airy on the variation in gravity in a coal mine , were under the auspices of the national observatories .
22 The southern area , comprising present-day Serbia , Bosnia-Hercegovina , Kosovo and Macedonia , was incorporated into the Turkish system of government , whilst Slovenia and Croatia-Slavonia , north of the military frontier , were under the dominion of the Habsburgs .
23 A few moments later they were under the silver birches and as the sun rose , striking flashes of red and green from the drops on ferns and twigs , they scrambled through the hedge , across a shallow ditch and into the thick grass of the meadow .
24 It is reasonable , however , for Thompson to ask why such a degree of compartmentalisation of objectives should be presumed to have been the case in 1812 , when war had been largely continuous over twenty years , when trade unions were under the interdict of the Combination Acts , when the hand-loom weavers and knitters were suffering a catastrophic drop in earnings and when high food prices were producing widespread and severe hunger .
25 These deposits , made by various people and companies , were under the control of the Hussein family ; Saddam 's half-brother , Barzan , is said to have run the operation .
26 The comprehensive nature of the local groups is evident from a list of their duties , which were to focus the efforts of different agencies dealing with juvenile employment ; to organize methods of collecting information about the character , education , and home life of school-leavers , usually with the assistance of teachers and school care committees ( SCCs ) ( which were under the control of the education offices ) ; to form subcommittees or rotas to attend the labour exchange for the purpose of interviewing applicants and parents ; and to organize a system of ‘ after-care ’ in co-operation with SCCs , clubs , and other similar organizations .
27 The restaurant and bar operations were under the control of the Food and Beverage Manager , who oversaw the activities of the Head Waiter , Chef and bar staff .
28 The United States expert sought to re-assure the Commission that pre-trial discovery procedures in his country were all after the commencement of proceedings ( the relevance of this being , presumably , that it picks up the requirement of Article 1(2) of the Convention ) and were under the control of a judge .
29 Further south , different areas were under the control of the Somali Democratic Movement ( ‘ S.D.M. ’ ) and Somalia Patriotic Movement ( ‘ S.P.M. ’ ) and the followers of Siad Barre .
30 The countries that were under the control of ruling Marxist-Leninist parties represented , for the USSR , the ‘ world socialist system ’ , a community of nations that shared the same political , social and economic interests .
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