Example sentences of "[was/were] made not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their cinema was purer because they were often more fully in charge of their product than were other film-makers working on serious movies , because comedy encouraged a more direct relationship between technique and content , and because the films were made not for any sectional audience but for the mass audience itself .
2 The first records of the lands known as the Empire were made not by Men but by Dwarfs , over two and a half thousand years before the reign of the present Emperor Karl Franz .
3 Although the ALP suffered an adverse swing of approximately 6 per cent , the most significant gains were made not by the opposition coalition but by the Democrats ( whose share of the vote increased from 6 to 11 per cent ) and by independent and environmental candidates .
4 However , this argument was rejected in the House of Lords and Lord Wilberforce ( at p372 ) said that to : … suppose that the assignments were made not by way of sale but by way of security would be to impose upon the parties a form of transaction totally different from that which they had selectednamely , one of saleand of which there was no evidence whatsoever that either of them desired …
5 The discovery was made not by the local health officials or the DHSS but at Ahrens ' own instigation , using the services of a London specialist and Manchester University 's rheumatology department which studies aluminium uptake in dialysis patients .
6 The first attempt to break through the deadlock created by the blacklisting of Lamarckism was made not by Darwin , but by the Edinburgh publisher and amateur naturalist , Robert Chambers ( 1802–71 ) .
7 For we find very similar results in those regions where the attempt to create the conditions of capitalist agriculture was made not by some global edict abolishing the economy of coercion , but by the more general process of imposing the law of bourgeois liberalism : transforming all landed property into individual property and turning land into a freely saleable commodity like anything else .
8 It was made not by one of the ‘ new generation ’ but by one of the ‘ pioneers ’ .
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