Example sentences of "[was/were] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 With the yield on 30-year Treasury bonds at 8.25% and that on three-month bills at 6.6% , long- and short-term interest rates are now lower than they were at the end of the two previous deep recessions , in 1981 and 1973 .
2 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
3 We stayed in a cottage on the cliffs , overlooking the harbour , and within moments of arrival , my brother Ian and I were at the end of the pier , fishing .
4 She would see out the contract if they would have her , and then consider how things were at the end of it .
5 Although incomes in the 1980s were substantially higher in real terms than they were at the end of the 1950s , there has been no sustained decrease in inequality ; in fact , as we saw in chapter 5 ( figure 5.5 ) , income inequality in Britain increased sharply after 1976 .
6 They are thus almost as dear as they were at the end of 1989 , when the p/e ratio peaked at 18 before a nearly successful coup sank the stockmarket and all who sailed in her .
7 Remember , if you get a mild reaction , you will need to proceed with caution until you can tell whether that food or food group is causing you to feel less well or less able to lose weight than you were at the end of Stage I.
8 Well David said that we were at the end , everyone believed that they were that the time has come that we was at the end of the world .
9 But they were at the end of their shift .
10 The two slaves moved jerkily , as if they were at the ends of strings .
11 The new tenants moved into the house at once , and the arrival soon afterwards of their servant Peggy Marsh and young Basil Montagu was final confirmation that the Racedown years were at an end .
12 Open hostilities , at least , were at an end .
13 The years of partnership were at an end .
14 Her few days in Monaco , relatively untroubled by the Press , not even the paparazzi bothering her , were at an end .
15 And , having established the fact that formalities were at an end , he went on , ‘ Let me tell you a little about tomorrow .
16 The human waves were at an end , as Iraqi Defence Minister Khairallah had foretold in January .
17 Likewise the middle-aged mother may also have had aspirations which had for many years been put aside until her parenting responsibilities were at an end .
18 He stood up to indicate thai the conversation was at an end and that he had no wish to be involved as a partner in such blasphemous and heretical talk .
19 Though no-one was prepared to admit that Roman Catholics had got the better of the argument , some Protestants felt a certain dissatisfaction with an afterlife in which all earnest endeavour , for better or worse , was at an end .
20 The conversation was at an end .
21 Power-sharing was at an end .
22 Everything was at an end — the hope , the joy , the new happiness that had been in her .
23 Last night the old campaigner Benn was at an end of election meeting at a local community hall ; tonight there is a post-count tea with sandwiches .
24 But , as a two-time General Election loser — and a perceived drag on his own party 's prospects — there were few who did not concede that his career at the top of British politics was at an end .
25 From that moment onwards Operation Gold was at an end .
26 At the time of the revolt , the Queen and the Court were in residence for the summer at San Sebastian on Spain 's northern coast and once it became clear that her reign was at an end , Isabella crossed the frontier into France , asking Napoleon III for political asylum .
27 But it was the entente that was at an end .
28 It seemed clear that his new duties would keep him in London for some time — certainly his stay in Italy was at an end .
29 It looked as though Chapman 's soccer career was at an end .
30 None was needed ; the jewels signified dismissal , announced the relationship was at an end .
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