Example sentences of "[was/were] that [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
2 All reports I 'd heard were that Sterland would be fit by now .
3 If only two hundred were to be seen , then the chances were that Balliol would assume that this was their full strength .
4 Our proposals were that SERPS should be abolished and that the second pension should come from a variety of new options in the private sector which we would make available .
5 Conti 's opinion was that reconciliation could be achieved , but only so long as the Scriptures were understood to speak the language of common people .
6 A central conclusion of the report was that colleges should assume that all academic staff teaching for the Council 's degrees would ‘ undertake some definite activity falling within the various categories of research ’ that it had outlined .
7 The defendants sought to rely on an exclusion clause which stated that liability for terms implied by statute was excluded ; one of these terms was that goods must comply with their description .
8 Before it , the talk in the High Court corridors was that Meehan would be acquitted for lack of evidence , but it was a view that few held by the time it was finished .
9 The only alternative was that Poland should maintain itself as an ‘ ethnographic monument without political significance ’ .
10 Among the recommendations being made by the British Parachute Association arising from his investigation of Mr Tipping 's death , was that parachutists should consider fitting automatic activation devices .
11 The original intention was that Cramlington would be a free-standing newtown with a full range of shopping services .
12 Although the US , or at least the State Department , ‘ frankly [ had ] no solution of problem to suggest ’ it was obvious that the US was at this stage hoping for a negotiated settlement , a settlement in which their further hope was that France would find it possible to be more than generous .
13 What they meant by that was that managers would do the kind of thing I 've just described like y'know transmit an ambiguous message orally rather than in a memo and visa versa .
14 The intention was that managers should provide a positive and supportive climate for professionals to deliver health care .
15 The feeling was that Richards should have declared before he did as the last hour 's batting produced few runs , but when England set about playing out time , Larkins , having gone first ball in the first innings , lasted only one more this time .
16 The basic negotiating position of the United States , presented to the IMF in November 1972 , was that countries should peg their currencies to the SDR , but that they would be obliged to devalue or revalue if their reserves fell below or rose above certain predefined warning levels .
17 Leopold 's fear , on the other hand , was that Mozart might lose the appointment in Salzburg and with it the chance to begin paying off the debts .
18 Another aspect of the proposal was that Glaxo would set up a research centre and co-market Imigran with a French company .
19 Her last depressing thought before she fell asleep was that Ross must have been thoroughly bored by her complete lack of sophistication , and it was extremely unlikely that he would ever want to see her again .
20 No , not precisely I , I was a bit too young then , I , I remember all the songs about her Amy wonderful Amy and all those and oh and when she married Jim I was very much in but I could n't actually say I remembered her crashing at Walsall The erm you could , yeah , when I came home from work one Monday afternoon my nan said this eighty eight had gone over very low , and we , we heard that they 'd dropped this landmine this same aircraft had dropped this landmine that had gone under the gas holder at the gas works , in Road and the , they had some rescue workers from the A R P to get it out they never even bothered calling for the Royal Engineers , but the situation was that landmines used to come down on parachutes , and they used to slide into places which were inaccessible but anyway , they relied on the local Walsall A R P to get them out .
21 In Hamlin 's opinion , the crucial thing about the result was that others would be grateful to Gloucester for knocking the champions down a peg or two .
22 With a string of southern primaries due in March , Clinton remained the overall favourite for the nomination ; the conventional wisdom was that Tsongas could not generate sufficient appeal outside New England , and — given the 1988 fate of Michael Dukakis , a Massachusetts liberal ( also of Greek ethnic origin ) with whom he was frequently compared — would be unelectable as President even if he did secure the nomination .
23 The least he deserved in return was that Harry should tell him all he knew .
24 What mattered was that things should appear to function well in Sibiu , because Nicu 's presence there had to cast credit on the family .
25 The idea was that Davis would be the anchor man , the resident musician , and every week we would have one paid performer who would be highlighted as performer of the week , a tradition that was kept up throughout the history of the folk club and the Arts Lab .
26 Her only faint regret was that Jake would never know !
27 If Joseph gave him an exhibition it could make a huge difference to Leary 's reputation , yet she wondered how likely it was that Joseph would help him .
28 The notion was that communities should have a say in what was taught , and the hidden agenda was to end the undeclared war between predominantly white and Jewish teachers , and an increasingly black and Hispanic body of pupils .
29 Although the maternal recommendation was that Jane should see a psychiatrist or a priest , it transpired that Jane felt she had turned the corner simply by spilling out her innermost thoughts to her mother .
30 The idea was that PEPs would encourage individuals to invest in British industry , receive annual reports and be able to vote at the AGMs .
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