Example sentences of "[was/were] to [be] given " in BNC.

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1 If Moxon , still young in captaincy terms , were to be given the job there would be a strong argument in favour of a team manager and as Illingworth , perhaps wisely , has rejected one offer to return ( from Leicestershire ) Yorkshire might look at another native son who has , from all accounts , done an excellent job in his first year of managment at Somerset , Jack Birkenshaw .
2 Lectures and concerts were to be given , for which topics of current interest should be very carefully chosen , and which had to be free for all comers .
3 The arrival of the mail helped , too : a mound of letters from the relatives who were , or , if they were to be given free accommodation , thought that they were , coming to Uncle Karl 's party .
4 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
5 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
6 With the already established public accounts committee , this would have given four such bodies , each with a salaried chairman , and the Catholics were to be given two of the chairs with the committees being made up to reflect parliamentary seats .
7 Although the 1944 Act did not provide detailed prescription for complementary relationships it was clear from the 1943 Education Bill that the LEAs were to be given the responsibility and duty to secure the development of adult education , in consultation with the universities and voluntary bodies .
8 The Eye Hospital was entering a team for the 10-mile ‘ fun run ’ to be held on 24th September and all monies raised were to be given to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association .
9 It may have been no coincidence that the Government announced in March 1990 that industrial tribunals were to be given the power to hear claims for damages in respect of breaches of employment contract .
10 The boys were to be given a certain amount of trust in their activities so that they might have the opportunity to make themselves moral , which in turn could help them become good and valuable members of the community .
11 Some respondents to FRED 1 were concerned about exceptional items and the prominence they were to be given .
12 Some were doubtful whether it would actually work , but all shared a hope of something new , and all were to be given an equal chance .
13 Nobody was quite sure what that really meant but if it were to mean that audiences were now ready for films which dealt sensationally with sex , crime , and shady city affairs then that was what they were to be given .
14 The men employed on the road were to be given notice that they would be required to work from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. , each being allowed one hour for breakfast and one hour for dinner .
15 It was not two days since the Duchess had issued instructions that no more tickets were to be given away , but it was hardly likely that such a prohibition would apply to Lord John Rossendale whose mother was an intimate friend of the Duchess of Richmond .
16 The barrel of the gun and all the areas of the engine that were to be given a metal finish were then painted Chaos Black .
17 There was to be no all-powerful central state apparatus , and political leaders were to be given no blank cheques ; on the contrary , they were to be hedged in by a complex , decentralized and fragmented system designed to prevent any one leader or group of leaders from becoming excessively powerful .
18 Pressures for change had been building up within the legislature for some time and these were to be given added impetus by the events surrounding the resignation of President Nixon .
19 For this the four Wardens of the Company would receive 3s 4d each : there was also a " potation " which was to be held on the preceding evening ( at a cost of 12s 6d ) and after the service there was a dinner ( 15s 6d ) ; finally , twelve poor members of the Goldsmiths ' Company were to be given a shilling each .
20 Martha and Ann were orphans , and were to be given away by the lord of the manor .
21 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
22 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
23 First , responsibilities for care for the chronically handicapped in a community were to be given to those elected by the local population ; thus the electorate would , in theory , have greater control over the way local services are provided .
24 A hard line was to be maintained for violent and sexual offences with provisions for longer sentences , and Crown Courts were to be given the powers to impose heavier sentences than the individual offence justified , to persistent offenders deemed to be a public risk .
25 However , it did see a need , if these arrangements were to be given full effect , for the local authorities ‘ to enhance their powers over individual institutions ’ by amending the existing Articles of Government .
26 Soviets of people 's deputies were to be given the right to distribute land to individuals , to collective and state farms , to institutions and to enterprises .
27 The Financial Times of July 27 reported that the Israeli Defence Ministry had confirmed that plots of land in the occupied territories were to be given free of charge to Jewish people wishing to settle .
28 Decaying regions were to be given aid to create new industries along the lines of the Barlow report of 1940 .
29 Since that time clearly we 've also had a series of further er indications development government guidance on the issue , new P P G one , three , and twelve all produced in March ninety two , which made it quite clear the environmental considerations were to be given greater attention in development plans .
30 About 1770 there was quite an elaborate proposal to create at Versailles another school for diplomats with thirty-six pupils , while others were to be given practical training by travel abroad or work , in preparation for careers as consuls , in the main French ports .
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