Example sentences of "[was/were] now to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the Rayner review of the service introduced not only cuts but a new philosophy that official figures , which previously had been for the service of the nation as a whole , were now to be tied far more closely to the requirements of the government of the day .
2 It was not enough that they had been questioned at length about a work in which they had secretly collaborated : they were now to be insulted by having their acknowledged work dismissed as of small account .
3 Standards were more likely to be improved , it was said , if parents had a greater choice of schools , and the new Technology Colleges were now to be among the choices on offer for those who lived in their catchment area .
4 Whole peoples were now to be regenerated , not by the patient labours of obscure administrators toiling at their life 's work in obscure places , but by the brilliant schemes of brilliant people flitting about the corridors of power .
5 There were now to be fewer and fewer Titfords in Frome as time went by ; many had died , some had left town for good .
6 The few areas which had escaped collectivization because they seemed too poor were now to be brought into line .
7 The same case could , of course , have been made about listeners ' attitudes to the number and length of speeches to which they were now to be subjected .
8 It is ironic that radical proposals for the integration of the Beacon , resisted by some specialist staff at all levels in the past , were now to be enforced by the cuts exercise .
9 There was also an attempt to ensure full and free participation in committee hearings by all members and restraints were imposed on the use of proxy votes by chairmen ; in addition , all votes in committee and on the floor were now to be recorded and open to public scrutiny .
10 The first meeting of the Governors was held on 12th August 1881 and the seven present decided to appoint Mr. Edward Walmsley to the Chair before proceeding to make arrangements for a Clerk , to deal with the accounts ( for which proper books were now to be kept ) , and to inspect the Deeds of the School with the Town Clerk .
11 They were now to be trusted to use their own discretion .
12 It was the Controller of the Household who later established that no one in authority who was within a reasonable distance of the incident could have realised that the members of the first team of bearers , most of them worthy if nervous burghers of Kinsai , had doctored strung-up nerves with wine and k'miss to such an extent that they were no longer capable of reacting with either fortitude or common sense to the kind of diversions which were now to be expected as part of the rejoicing .
13 Even if that figure were now to be drastically reduced orthodox interpretations of the fossil evidence together with orthodox evolutionary theory would require that the last generalized man/ape , the " missing link " of the early Darwinian imagination , must have died out an exceedingly long time ago .
14 The foreign intelligence operations were now to be conducted by a new and as yet unnamed state agency separate from the KGB ( although Primakov was also named first deputy chair of the KGB ) , and would concentrate on national security and on monitoring the international drugs trade and terrorism .
15 Public-sector loans were now to be repaid over 20 years and other loans over 15 years .
16 The presidential elections were now to be held on June 12 , 1993 , and not as scheduled on Dec. 5 , 1992 .
17 The publicists , popularisers and ideologists were now to be found throughout the western world and wherever there was a local elite attracted by ‘ modernisation ’ .
18 Dzerzinsky 's absence the Cheka was replaced by the GPU ( Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie ) , which was now to be integrated within the Commissariat for Internal Affairs .
19 The Headmaster 's House had stood in the middle of fields , but it was now to be surrounded by educational plant .
20 This carried the law further than the 1967 Act because any term of imprisonment ( rather than five years minimum ) was now to be enough .
21 Whatever showmanship may have been developed in the CHAB productions was now to be used originating talks programmes and other current affairs features , including discussion groups , from the Vancouver studios of CBC to the forty-odd stations of the national network .
22 If everyone was now to be buried in flannel then what profit could be gained in having ready-made shrouds in stock in a multitude of patterns and sizes and available on demand !
23 Citrine was happy to tell them , in the traditional ( if somewhat imprecise ) formula , that the industry was now to be operated in the national interest and not for private gain .
24 Feelings were thought to be strong , on either side , about the sentence that was now to be carried out .
25 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
26 Together with the kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia Vietnam was now to be joined in the Indochinese Union although the country itself was divided into three parts .
27 Whoever had taken the decision to commit the party to armed insurrection in 1930 , what was now to be called in question was whether the party had any right at all to make such decisions for itself .
28 Six months later , in June 1951 , after de Lattre had halted the Vietminh offensive in Tonkin and with the immediate threat removed , Heath reported from Saigon that the current phase in Indo-China was now to be seen as a holding operation .
29 Bonar Law , backed by fewer MPs than any of the other three contenders at the beginning of the week was now to be the unanimous choice .
30 Lastly , the School was now to be called " The Stockport Grammar and Free Schools " .
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