Example sentences of "[was/were] then [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 During the 1950s , and by the 1960s packages had been designed in the United States , which were then transferred to the very different physical and social conditions of the Third World .
2 We were then transferred to the Gendarmerie Royale , we stayed for one year in a prison camp in Rabat , then four and a half years at the headquarters of the Gendarmerie in Rabat , our hands tied day and night from 13 July , 1975 to 19 December , 1979 .
3 The survivors were then transferred to one of the helicopters at 2015 and both then left .
4 On Dec. 27 Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi was removed from the chairmanship of five state committees which were then transferred to the jurisdiction of the government .
5 They were then transferred to solitary confinement .
6 For ribotyping , the gels were then transferred to nylon membranes by means of vacublotting .
7 According to a slightly modified method described by Deschner and Lipkin , the mucosal fragments were then transferred to sterile septum fitted vials containing 2 ml of Eagle 's basic salt solution supplemented with 10% calf serum ( GIBCO , Paisley , Scotland ) and 5 µCi H-thymidine/ml ( specific activity , 25 Ci/mmol ) ( Amersham , Buckinghamshire , UK ) .
8 The three men were then transferred to Constantinople .
9 These types were then related to a range of macro-economic outcomes such as levels of inflation and unemployment .
10 The raw scores were then standardised to a scale with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 .
11 After cooling , the mixture was incubated at 42°C for 60 minutes with 200 U of MMLV reverse transcriptase ( Bethesda Research Laboratories ) , 1 mM dNTPs ( United States Biochemical Crop. ) and 25 U of RNAsin ( Promega Biotec , Madison , WI ) in buffer ( 100 mM Tris HCl , pH 8.3 , 150 mM KCl , 6 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM DTT ) The tubes were then heated to 95°C for 5–10 minutes , and 80 µl dH 2 O was added to the 20 µl of reaction mixture .
12 For instance , what it is for there to be a red rose in this darkened room is for it to be the case that if I were to turn the light on , I would make a certain observation , and if I were then to move to another place , I would make an observation rather different , and if you were to come in , you would observe such and such , and so on .
13 Cars and drivers were then flown to India for the trip between Delhi and Bombay , followed by another airlift from Bombay to Perth and finally , an eight day race to the finish in Sydney .
14 We were then posted to 406 Sqn RCAF where we converted to Beaufighters .
15 We stayed with 406 Sqn for 18 months , a normal tour of duty at that time for nightfighter crews , and were then posted to an English squadron on Bomber Support work .
16 These ratios were then applied to business-unit book values to obtain notional market values .
17 Samples were then applied to a Microporasil column 3.9 mm ID , 300 mm length ( Waters Associates , Milford , MA , USA ) with a flow rate of 1 ml/min .
18 We were then treated to a video of somebody discussing childbirth , which at first could not be heard by those at the back .
19 We were then treated to a description of the rapidly descending boulder : ‘ It 's about two feet square and a foot deep . ’
20 The team were then treated to a meal and the mill manager presented them with the Challenge Trophy [ through gritted teeth ] and before the lads could get the lens caps off their cameras , they took it back , saying that the cup would stay at Rank 's but Rentokil 's name would be put on .
21 We were then treated to a very detailed description of the work , done and yet to be done , by John Stowell , a BR signalling engineer who is in charge of P-way on the Llangollen railway .
22 We walked up to the fall and what would I not give if I could convey to you the images and feelings which were then communicated to me .
23 The results were then compared to those obtained from simulations using the program NOEMOL for the full range of glycosidic angles assuming a south sugar conformation. 1' and 3' are the multiplet widths of the H1' and H3' proton resonances respectively , S is the proportion of south conformer , and is the glycosidic torsion angle .
24 The reports were then sent to the Dominion and Indian governments .
25 The poems were then sent to Zuwaya in other settlements .
26 In Chalatenango , a training school was opened for women interested in joining the military command , After a six-month course , the women trainees were asked to conduct an army ambush as proof of their military capabilities and once they had passed this test , were then sent to different battalions .
27 More US troops were then sent to Europe and in 1951 Dwight Eisenhower became NATO 's first Supreme Commander .
28 The committal order was sealed on 11 June 1992 and copies were then sent to M. 's solicitors and to the governor of the prison in which M. was held .
29 Approaches were then made to Brian Cubbon , the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office responsible for criminal matters , with the result that within three weeks of publication the Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw announced to the House of Commons that because of continued unease about the case and after discussions with the Lord Chief Justice , he had ordered the release of Cooper and McMahon from prison .
30 Less formal matters were then attended to by Doncaster .
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