Example sentences of "[was/were] put on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Zak and Emil arrived together at that point , Emil ready to set the tables for lunch , Zak in theatrical exasperation demanding to know if the actors were to put on the next scene before the meal as originally planned , and if not , when ?
2 Meanwhile Welsh international Mark Titley and Newbridge wing Alun Harries were putting on a show for the selectors at the Bridgend Sevens in helping their invitation team ‘ The Welshmen ’ ( management includes Messrs. Ring and Webb ) to victory 22–16 against Llanharan in the Final .
3 ‘ Nor was it a high risk situation from my point of view , because for these were tried and tested individuals we were putting on the field .
4 In this capacity , he also established ties with the Government of Mozambique , and helped in the gradual process by which relations between Mozambique and the EEC were put on a more constructive basis .
5 In the past , many governors who fell out with the Bermudians were put on a boat and sent back to London .
6 TWO youngsters who were strangled after warnings that they could be at risk were put on a council child protection register in June , it was revealed yesterday .
7 When clothes were put on a kouros the forward step made for play between stuff and limb ; the forward step and skirt pulled aside were combined in the creation , in the second half of the century , of a new type almost as regular as the kouros and known to us as kore , girl .
8 Those admitted to Belgium were put on a train whose doors were locked and windows nailed shut ; they were told that such measures were necessary for their own protection .
9 After six weeks at Hispaniola , Standidge and his companions were put on a sloop destined for Rhode Island .
10 Next day their possessions were put on a waggon and taken to Kingsbere .
11 ‘ The potted shrimps were put on the table by the parlourmaid immediately before the guests entered the dining-room , ’ said Milsom .
12 More patients with various illnesses were put on the diet , and good results were reported .
13 It makes me want to roll up my sleeves , ’ McQuaid said in praise and plain enjoyment at the prospect of it as the plates were put on the table .
14 Bowls of the clear chicken soup they loved were put on the table .
15 For the third time this season Cheadle were put on the rack but they mustered their strength in the final quarter to open up a 14–10 lead .
16 If you were put on the rack , you were pinned with your back to the buttress — two boys , one on each side took your arms , put one foot up on the edge of the buttress and pulled — it was painful .
17 The sheets , etc. were put on the table with the dolls , and an explanation given .
18 It is not uncommon to find the spaces still blank in early books , the scribe not having arrived before the books were put on the market .
19 But no treatment was forthcoming as 10 million were put on the dole , two million on food stamps and hundreds of thousands out on the streets .
20 Various dazibao were put on the Xidan wall , which became a public noticeboard .
21 TWO boozy Geordie dads were put on the next flight home from Majorca for having no papers .
22 Rand found that some firms were even trying to avoid bad publicity by cleaning up sites before they were put on the Superfund list .
23 They were put on the same strip CD had used , and second time around it helped spinners almost from the outset .
24 A bitter and complex dispute was decided by the crown jurists in the interests of the foreros ( 1763 ) , and when the entailed lands of the nobility and the church estates were put on the market by the liberal legislation of the nineteenth century they purchased their foros and became the outright owners of land they had rented ; they became foristas .
25 In March 1991 both children were put on the child protection register , E. because of physical abuse and C. because of suspicion of physical abuse .
26 The cakes and the presents were put on the table , then the children hid in the other room when they heard Perks coming home from work .
27 I found this out at Dagenham , when I worked at Fords , the supply lorries used to come through the day and through the night with articles made in other factories , including bodies and wheels and these were put on the assembly line and routed through Fords to be assembled .
28 So what would a a riveter have done then once they were once their job was completed they were put on the the on the street basically ?
29 They were put on the sink and you washed them .
30 And h Well , no , they were put on the wagons actually .
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