Example sentences of "[was/were] down [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The car market has been similarly hit by deferred purchases : car sales in April this year were down 24% on April 1990 .
2 Net earnings per share were down 50% to $0.04 in the quarter , and amounted to $0.34 in the nine months .
3 Imports were down 15% at $4,125m .
4 Overall sales were down 55% on last year when profits from autioneering were $139 million .
5 Hit by the effects of world recession , turnover in 1991 was 42% down on the previous year from £14.59 million to £8.3 million while interim figures were down 39% from £4.9 million in June ‘ 91 to £3 million in June ‘ 92 , resulting in a loss per share of 3.51p .
6 Net earnings were down 40% at £39m .
7 In the six months to December turnover was down £3m to £38m with pre-tax profits £1.4m lower at £3.7m .
8 Turnover was down 8% at $59.8m .
9 The number of job offerings was down 11% from the previous year , with studio teaching positions particularly hard hit .
10 Turnover was down 50% from the $47.3m reported for the fourth quarter to December 31 , with product revenue down 24% from a year ago at $27.8m , and technology revenue dwindled to just $2.5m from $16.2m a year ago .
11 Operating profit was down 12% to $8.1m .
12 Meat production in the Soviet Union was down 12% in the first part of this year , while milk production has fallen by 10% .
13 Stanford Telecommunications Inc saw third quarter net down 13.5% at $630,000 , on turnover up 4.8% at $21.6m ; net profit for the nine months was down 73% at $681,000 , on turnover that fell 4.5% to $66.6m .
14 Data General Corp is finding the transition to open systems at a time of recession extremely painful with a second quarter loss of $55m after a $48m charge for another 1,000 lay-offs : turnover was down 14% at $274m , in part because the sale of the Japanese subsidiary cut volume by $19m ; the company blamed the disappointing results on competitive pricing pressures , which have cut profits , as well as the weak worldwide economy ; the company says it continues to be very cautious about the remainder of 1992 ; AViiON sales continue to grow , but ‘ we are not satisfied with overall revenues , ’ the company declared Electronic Data Systems Corp says its graphical design system now supports Hewlett-Packard 's series 700 workstations : first deliveries are scheduled for May .
15 Tekelek Inc saw third quarter net losses of $185,000 against profits of $1.3m last time , on turnover that rose 23.4% at $16.3m ; net profit for the nine months was down 88% at $503,000 , on turnover that rose 12.6% to $45.6m .
16 Thomson Travel 's profit contribution to the Canadian parent was down £10.7million to £53.1million in the nine months to September 30 as a result of the squeeze on holiday prices and poor late sales .
17 Thomson Travel 's profit contribution to the Canadian parent was down £10.7million to £53.1million in the nine months to September 30 as a result of the squeeze on holiday prices and poor late sales .
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