Example sentences of "[was/were] set up for " in BNC.

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1 To this end , schools were set up for peasant women and for prostitutes , who were numerous since Havana had previously been a notorious entertainment centre for North Americans , to give them an education and to provide them with some skills and training ready for the job market .
2 ‘ Places like this were set up for disenfranchised groups ’ , says Susannah Lopez , one of the two co-op members .
3 You were set up for life with them , ’ Olive Fitzgerald of the Samaritans , bracing for a flood of calls over the next few months on their telephone helpline , told Reuters ' man .
4 When he lectured at Harvard in this year , policemen had to control the crowds who came out to see him , and loudspeakers were set up for those who could not get into the auditorium .
5 All the lead-in codes were set up for USA-style dialling ; local , long distance and so on , and whilst these could be changed the lead-out character was set to be a semi-colon .
6 Then there was a long break as the cameras were set up for the dramatic shot over Sir Rupert Cartland 's shoulder .
7 A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and , as senior Government lawyer , it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service .
8 The Highlands Congested Districts Board was set up for this purpose in 1897 , but it was able to achieve very little .
9 A fund was set up for its restoration , but before the work could even be started the campanile collapsed .
10 A disaster fund was set up for the widows and orphans and they were reasonably well provided for financially , although the sums they received seem very small by today 's standards of compensation and value of money .
11 Also , no hard data appear to be available giving a detailed breakdown of costs and savings associated with this new form of technology and work organisation , and it appears that , although there is spare capacity at Kalmar in the form of a second , as yet unworked , shift , when the new 760 model car was introduced in 1982 a new assembly line using conventional technology was set up for it at Gothenburg .
12 The residency was set up for the Oxfordshire Area Health Authority by the City Gallery Arts Trust
13 A new Quality Performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give him more incentive to work harder and become a key performer .
14 Brazil 's Free Zone of Manaus ( ZFM ) provides a good illustration of the difficulties of adjustment , even though it was set up for quite different purposes .
15 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
16 The Bookish Portfolio , comprising shares in companies in the book business , was set up for The Bookseller in December 1981 , and liquidated last autumn .
17 It was set up for the administrative convenience of the London banks and the defendant and has been used principally in connection with the buying and selling of stocks and shares on the London market .
18 The one-year , part-time Certificate was set up for the first time in 1983. it was , and still is , aimed at developing professional competence in language teachers in adult education mainly on a pre-service and , in a more limited way , in-service basis .
19 The following drill shows how this was set up for ( simplified ) Basari ( Togo ) : Once these simple drills are mastered then the noun phrase in the object slot could be expanded by the addition of one modifier at a time and drilled until all modifiers which may be affixed for concord with the noun have been drilled .
20 The erm management agency that was set up for tornado was structured and manned for that specific task .
21 ‘ Zoo Check ’ was set up for a number of reasons , here are its six aims :
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