Example sentences of "[was/were] also the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surprising experimental findings , though of a quite different nature , were also the foundation of transactional analysis ( TA ) .
2 Among the authors were also the Deputy Interior and Defence Ministers , Gen. Gromov and Varennikov , leading some commentators to see in it the veiled threat of a military coup .
3 SSSIs notified by NCC were also the subject of retained prior approval arrangements as for National Parks but , with the advent of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act , all SSSIs notified under its Section 28 are subject to 3 month consultation over any activities specified on a list of Damaging Operations notified with each SSSI .
4 If a vassal died leaving daughters only , or if an heir who was a minor had sisters , they were also the lord 's wards , and he could freely dispose of their hands in marriage — freely , but with two provisos .
5 But the Psalms were also the basis of private spirituality in the ninth century : Dhuoda recommended daily readings to her son .
6 They were also the group who were least likely to eat fresh fruit .
7 They were also the group least likely to eat fresh fruit .
8 In one was a fat , broad-faced man ; the body perfect and soft , as if just dead ; the lid had been glewed together , lengthways , and the weight of the earth had prest down his nose ; his beard was about half an inch long ; the winding-sheet was crape , tied with black ribbons ; and the thumbs and toes with the like ; the date was composed of small nails ( 1665 ) by which it appeared he had been dead seventy-two years ; as were also the figure of an hour-glass , death 's head , and cross bones .
9 They were also the party of international Protestantism , believing that England should open its arms to foreign protestants who had fled their own country on account of their religion , and were prepared to allow them not only complete freedom of worship but also the advantages of naturalisation .
10 So did a succession of home helps who were also the source of strange tales and occasional adventures .
11 Twenty minutes later she stood in front of the mirror wearing the fragile lace undies which were also the result of her impulse-buying .
12 Nor were these small in number because , apart from the adventure activity accounts , there were also the farm accounts to be dealt with .
13 There was also the chance that the man himself would go for the test .
14 There was also the chance that I would recover from the madness . ’
15 Secondly , there was also the chance that the commotion of the brief struggle might have attracted other human enemies , who might even then be closing in on him .
16 There was also the chance to see this baby alligator at close quarters , but not too close .
17 There was also the story , this time true , that she had splashed out $250,000 on a luxury home in the suburbs of her native Melbourne , only to rent it out while she stayed at home with her beloved parents .
18 The cars loaded in Talbot Square by the side of the Clifton Hotel , which was also the terminus of the Marton route , and were shedded in an enlarged Marton depot .
19 But there was also the realisation that the economy was in trouble and the country was facing many problems .
20 It was also the realisation of the fundamental concept behind page description languages , in that they were originally intended to be used for creating displays rather than driving printers , and the beginning of Adobe 's attempt to create a standard for graphics systems , now known as Display PostScript .
21 It flashed on me that it was also the smile that Conchis sometimes wore ; as if he sat before the head and practised it .
22 On Sunday afternoons , because our parents would not let us go out unaccompanied in the evenings , we used to go to the local cinema , which was also the theatre .
23 ‘ Not only was he the outstanding leader of our tax practice , ’ said Grant Thornton managing partner David McDonnell , ‘ he was also the architect of its development in the early days .
24 It was designed by Henry Alsbroke and the brickwork looks similar to that of Tattershall Castle for which he was also the architect .
25 The use in these works of an unusual form of surface trellis indicates that Alexander was also the architect of the great parochial towers in Grantham and in Newark-upon-Trent , Outside the circle of architects to the Crown , Alexander was one of the most significant masters of the mid-thirteenth century , and his Lincoln vault ( copied at Ely before 1250 ) was the source of future development .
26 There was also the necessity of waking up in time to catch the transport to work .
27 The answer is thus : Stuart Watson , who is responsible for the D12 , was also the originator and creative force behind the Trace Elliot range .
28 It was the photographic equivalent of sawing a lady in half , except the photographer was also the lady .
29 Discussing how practitioners can not only be involved in research , but may conduct research studies themselves , with many potential pay-offs for workers , managers , agencies and the field , the writers suggest : The importance of the integral relationship between research and practice was also the subject of discussion by Lord Rothschild , head of the Central Policy Review Staff whose paper ‘ The organisation and management of Government research and development ’ ( 1971 ) did much to lay the foundations of the structure of research in the public sector .
30 The Open University was also the subject of debate between Alix Bowen and Teddy Lazenby of the Department of Education and Science : Alix 's face was expressing a most delicate mixture of disbelief , disapprobation and polite attention as Teddy , somewhat indiscreetly presuming on their long , if long-interrupted , acquaintance , revealed what were clearly his own opinions on the inadvisability of wasting money on the education of housewives and taxi drivers .
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