Example sentences of "[was/were] the time of " in BNC.

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1 It was the time of the Miners Strike ; just afterwards .
2 It was the time of the Baedeker raids , when German bombers struck cathedral towns , and some of the guests who stayed in York the night before had sleepless hours .
3 It was the time of their lives when they found it hardest to make ends meet .
4 It was the time of progressive rock .
5 Cockney Rebel had it a bit , and it was the time of the film Cabaret , The Rocky Horror Show and Biba 's nightclub on the roof of what used to be Derry and Toms Every other phrase in the newspapers seemed to be ‘ Iounge lizard ’ .
6 This was the time of day he went to Mr Hyde 's farm to fetch the milk .
7 Semenyaka is an honoured People 's Artist , but she agrees : ‘ Our heyday was the time of Diaghilev , Nijinsky and Karsavina , and the fact that they inspired Fokine and Balanchine .
8 First , the period until 1830 was the time of the early travellers ; second , from 1830 until 1930 was the period of early botanists and naturalists ; third , 1930 until 1980 was the period of the first ecological studies and also of Professor J. W. Heslop Harrison and Miss M. S. Campbell ; and finally the 1980s , the period of the Integrated Development Programme ( 1982–1987 ) , which gave rise to more intensive research .
9 Rhetorically , it was the time of the great horticultural images of education , derived perhaps first from Rousseau and reinforced by Froebel , for whom the child was the tender plant growing in the garden , the kindergarten .
10 It was the time of my own personal greatness , before any human hurt had got in the way .
11 It was the time of suffragettes and Mr Norman McCorquodale was reported as saying that a spray of water through the hose on them would be a good thing .
12 According to Thompson the early nineteenth century was the time of :
13 It was the time of day when the tables were mostly occupied by kids , all dressed to the nines , playing more with the Steve Davis ‘ cool ’ than the St£e Davis ‘ skill ’ .
14 It was the time of ‘ the Troubles ’ .
15 Well , in theory he was doing what he was supposed to do since this was the time of day he always spent with Katrine and he had been told not to vary the routine .
16 This period around 1967 was the time of the big change-over in the airline business from piston engines to jets , so it was clear that the programme I had selfishly pursued for my own good was in fact a proper course to follow for all Ops inspectors if they were to continue to be able to do their work effectively .
17 This was the time of the Rhodesian bush war .
18 It was the time of the sixty war .
19 It was the time of wooden pit props and er much kneeling and laying down and hacking away at the coal with picks and there was no mining machinery as we know it now .
20 And of course , this was the time of the means test , when young men from who er lived at home , their income was taken into account , in assessing how much Dad or Mum could n't get .
21 v. What was the time of your last drink ?
22 Which was the time of Recovery .
23 When he came to Bristol it was the time of a developing awareness among young people .
24 This was the time of afternoon when they popped the tar .
25 It was the time of day when the soul speaks Latin
26 1974 was the time of a change in direction not only in career but also in fossil hunting .
27 You 're too young to remember , but that was the time of austerity .
28 It was the time of the mods-and-rockers ’ invasion of the seaside towns .
29 It was the time of Entertaining Mr Sloane , a play Ken did n't at first see himself .
30 But as this May was the time of the General Strike the situation was pretty uncertain .
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