Example sentences of "[was/were] give [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you were to give me a ha'penny I might tell you different ’
2 These problems and a long evening incarcerated below decks without fresh air were giving her a headache .
3 His lips even moved a little , as if he were giving himself a consultation .
4 The new publishers were giving him a launch party and wanted names for the guest list .
5 When Sara glanced back a few moments later , she saw that five liverymen had descended upon the urchin and were giving him a beating .
6 Willy-nilly , he was now the star of The Hooded Owl , and the rest of the cast were giving him a taste of the treatment afforded to stars .
7 I hoped the u s authorities were giving him a hard time .
8 ‘ Th'did more for me when Garty were giving me a beating . ’
9 That same day he told me , as if he were giving me a magnificent present , that he thought he could pull strings and have me posted with him .
10 No , I thought she were giving them a pound and then taking change off them , she were getting change off them or summat were n't she .
11 Too often I was asked to bowl defensively , brought into the attack to stop the flood of runs when batsmen were giving us a caning .
12 She give us all these , like diseases and we had to learn parrot learn them the definition for them cos she were giving us a test on them .
13 And , and of course needlework , but erm they were mainly the , I suppose they were giving you a good er grounding as they 'd call it in those days .
14 But what they did to me was give me a metronome and a theme which you play in quicker and quicker note values : triplets , eighths , sixteenths , and so on .
15 When Julie Mills moved into her new home she thought all she 'd need to do to the kitchen was give it a lick of paint .
16 Whether it was give it a better flavour or no , I do n't know but we never used the saltpetre .
17 ‘ Does remembering how awed I was give you a thrill ?
18 ‘ The decision was to give them a lot of freedom , letting them take the pictures they liked so long as their interpretations were true to the general concept .
19 The object was to give them a sense of purpose and once they were harnessed to that proposition , they policed themselves , so to speak .
20 Hitherto , Blackpool 's aim had been to crush-load its trams to bursting-point , now the object was to give them a comfortable ride for their money .
21 Sharing photographs was to him an act of intimacy ; to show someone a photograph you took was to give them a ‘ deeper insight into you as well as what you discerned ’ .
22 He was to give him a part which would take him into the West End a few months after leaving school , write a special role for him in what would be his first film , introduce him to his future wife and , through one of his sons , Brook , provide him with a lifelong younger ‘ brother ’ .
23 He did go back to London ; he did defy the might of Zanuck , but the canny Alex Korda in London stitched up the contract later which , yes , was to give him a million dollars , but also tie him to some terrible films .
24 Carrie was taken by surprise at his question and her first instinct was to give him a sharp reply , but she nodded instead , catching the look of concern in Don 's deep brown eyes .
25 Laying herself down beside Cad again in the hot room under the single sheet , she instructed her sister carefully , how she was to find Tommaso Talvi in town the next day , to come across him as if by accident , and then , if no one was listening , she was to give him a message .
26 His reply was to give her a sharp pull forward and then a shove in the back , which knocked her to her knees .
27 He said he 'd noticed that our Mini was getting a bit down at heel , and in the light of Ken 's injuries he thought the least he could do was to give me a better means of transport .
28 The idea was to give everybody a reasonable chance of answering some questions , not merely by general railway knowledge , but by dint of having supported Society events .
29 I felt quite nervous undertaking this role in case I became ‘ out of my depth ’ and could n't provide the new mother with the support that she needed , either emotionally or physically , but on balance decided that the only way to find out was to give it a whirl !
30 Konrad Adenauer had already suggested that West Germany should be allowed the means to defend itself , and that the surest way of winning the population over to a massive commitment to democracy was to give it a stake in the responsibility of defending Western Europe .
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